Bootcamp Parti 10 - this is your thread :-)

Tin caredig iawn. Diolch. You’re very kind, thank you.

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Hi @aran. I am staying in Caernarfon until Monday morning. Would I be able to join in with a few things on Sunday, even though I am not staying for the week?


Sounds great. I was already wondering about visiting Caersalem (the other one), but happy to go with the majority in the current season :wink:

That’s confusing, two similarly named chapels :smiley: Anyway, I’ve noticed that they both have websites showing their meeting times, so should be straight forward enough to make a plan.

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I think you’d be very welcome at both, I know they’re both popular.

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Here is the link to Capel Salem, hope this helps.

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Hi there. I think there’s a bootcamp on Sunday morning, apparently it’s mentioned somewhere on the forum. @gruntius, do you know?

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As far as I know @Catriona there’s a ‘meeting’ in the Galeri at 11:00 on Sunday to discuss the bŵtcamp. There isn’t much planned I don’t think, just a chance to hang around with others and speak Welsh for the week (or however long). @aran will explain better on Sunday morning. No need to register really, as long as you are speaking Welsh it doesn’t matter. This isn’t a normal bŵtcamp after all. Meals out are a different matter, a bit of forward planning is needed. :grinning:


Fixed for you… :wink:


No need to turn up now then? :thinking::joy::wink:

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Yeah, right, you’re really going to skip brunch, I can easily believe that.

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I don’t use Whatsapp

Are you happy using the forum to keep up with what’s going on? The Bootcamp week is going to be pretty unstructured, with lots of self-organising and new ideas and stuff - we’re not going to be able to update on an individual basis, but we can run in parallel in WhatsApp and here on the forum… :slight_smile:

Yes. Though even though I am Watching the bootcamp thread I don’t actually get notifications and I didn’t get @gruntius message. Must be overriding stuff in Settings. I’ll buzz off and try to sort it out.

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I sent a private message to you too @lynneedwards. :grinning:

Yes, I found it when I went and hunted fir it. My life really is so boring these days that I have never had any reason to try Whatsapp.

No problem, if you do just let me know and I’ll sort it for you. :+1:

Diolch yn fawr. Byddai’n gret i dreilio dipyn myw o amser yn siarad Cymraeg, a 'falle gweld myw o’r dre efo pobl arall cyn i mi fydd fore dydd Llun.

Thank you! It would be great to spend a little more time speaking Welsh and perhaps to see more of the town with other people before I go on Monday morning.


Fortunately it is no problem for me to follow updates in the Forum. My trusty Desktop computer is never much more than 3 miles from Caernarfon, at home off the road to Llanberis. And I also have a Laptop that I can take out with me if need be, too …

So I think I can live without WhatsApp for now.

See you all at the Parti and at the 11am Bwtcamp meeting on Sunday, where (unlike this thread) I will use no English at all!

Update:: I finally got WhatsApp working on my Windows phone properly on Sunday (2nd June) so I have been able to follow all the happenings on the “Bŵtsapp” group since then. People in that group know this already of course. But I know what it felt like to be “on the outside” for a couple of days, so if anyone wants info they may have missed that could have been exclusively on WhatsApp, let me know …

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Like @Catriona I’ll be around until Monday, so it would be great to have the chance to join Bootcampers on Sunday


I have seen @gruntius’s photos from Y Wythfa yesterday on Twitter. I hope you’ll post some more here - and some other pictures from the week’s bwtcamp adventures.