Bootcamp - June 2014

Amy J: •Kempton explaining quantum physics using cwrs 1 vocab

Now THAT I’d love to have heard. :slight_smile:
Sounds like yet another great and productive week.
I’m looking forward to my 4th Bootcamp in September. :slight_smile:

Article on one of SSIWers favourite must see places to visit - Caws Cenarth.

Yep! Roll on July bootcamp. Bit worried about the quantum physics. :slight_smile: maybe I should be brushing up on some topics. :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about quantum mechanics. After Treigladau it’s a sinch!
Can’t honestly recall the conversation that well, but just goes to show how well beer works as a lubricant. Do I slur as much in welsh as in English?

You were explaining how you knew about Moebius Strips after I had done the “cutting one in half but not getting two halves” trick…

Ah yes. The mysteries of the hanner-spin of electrons!

As I have mentioned previously, it is still possible to study much of the Physics syllabus in Welsh in my old Department at Aber Uni (headed by a Cymro Cymraeg).
Wales sorely needs a Welsh edition of Dirac’s “Principles of Quantum Mechanics”. Are you going to volunteer, Kempton :slight_smile:

Incidentally, if anyone is interested in picking up a CD of the kind of music that was played at pizza tipi on Thursday, the people who wrote it have a website here:

I’m listening to it now, and if you enjoy classical music, you’ll probably enjoy this.