Book clearout

Free to good homes for the postage costs.

Charity shop otherwise!

Will send as a job lot or split. First come first served.

English Non-fiction
You Don’t Speak Welsh - Sandi Thomas
Think Without Limits: You Can Speak Welsh - Lynda Pritchard Newcombe
Enwau Cymraeg i Blant: Welsh Names for Children, Heini Gruffudd
A Pocket Guide to The Placenames of Wales, Hywel Wyn Owen
Insufficiently Welsh, Griff Rhys Jones

Welsh non-fiction
Blwyddyn Gap, Bethan Marlow, Laura Wyn
Yr Erlid, Heini Gruffudd
Dyddiadur Mimosa, Joseph Seth Jones (biligual with Spanish)

English Fiction
The Welsh Girl, Peter Ho Davies
New Stories from the Mabinogion set of 3
White Ravens, Owen Sheers
The Meat Tree, Gwyneth Lewis
The Ninth Wave, Russell Celyn Jones

Welsh Fiction
Mae Heddwch yn Brifo, Martin Huws
Y Trydydd Posibilrwydd, Mari Williams
Ar Blaned Arall, Dafydd Meirion
Caersaint, Angharad Price
Milwr Bychan (Bernard Ashely, translated by Sian Melangell Dafydd)
Stori Sydyn x 2
Dyn y Syrcas, Derfel Williams
Oswald, Lleucu Roberts

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I’m interested in all the Welsh fiction Leia, we have a “borrow shelf” in y Saith Seren so once I’ve read them they will end up there for anyone to borrow. :blush:

Boo. Apparently I’m not allowed more books until I can provide more rooms for them…


Rightoh, I’ll bundle the Welsh fiction up and weigh them for postage.

Aran - that’s sort of the reason for the clearout! I have no more room for new stuff!


Thanks Leia, just let me know and we’ll swap addresses.

Finally managed to watch you on Llyncu Geiriau tonight. Brilliant. I’m going to miss that program, thoroughly enjoyable.

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Oh, what, hey?! Link, please :sunny:

@aran search Dal Ati on bbc iPlayer or on clic.

This from the man who comes on here instead of Google?!

Give me link goodness.

The week after next you can make me your gopher, but for now … no. :astonished::joy:

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This is for anyone else that would like to watch it, @aran please look away.


Any idea how far through the programme @gruntius? I’ve skipped through stopping here and there but it seems to be mostly about Llandudno and Conwy, with an interview with Al Lewis in the middle. No sign of Leia anywhere!

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Yeah, link to the exact moment, please. Sigh.


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Gaethoch chi gam! Annheg!..

:star: :star2:

Maybe I linked to the other Dal Ati program, I can’t actually watch clic on my tablet for some reason. My fault, but @aran pressured me into it.

I was in the one broadcast on the 13th I think, 3 weeks ago now.


I would be very interested in the English non-fiction lot if any are left please.
Happy to pay P&P, of course.
Tim (London)

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Hi - that’s a very generous offer X I would happily take any - I need all the help I can get :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Diolch yn fawr iawn X

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English non-fic to CelticBiker then, and remaing Welsh to Janine. Can you both PM me you addresses - I’ll bundle and weigh the books for postage later. Cheers.


Aww dach i’n Seren X :v:️:+1:


A box full of books arrived a few minutes ago, thanks very much Leia. :+1: