Black Lives Matter

Fine. I quit SSIW forthwith, as it is not being respectful of my views. Please cancel my subscription

I have cancelled my subscription, as clearly whilst you mentioned BLM and made your views clear, any alternative views was immediately stamped on, and that is not being respectful of the views of others or playing nicely, despite the subtlety with which it was done. I think the learning Welsh part of SSIW is phenomenal. However, this was my first experience of the forum, and seemingly my last as well

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This is a fundamentally dishonest statement, and would in any case have lead to your account being closed. I have also deleted your other parting shots, because we are not a platform for you for you to argue with other people.

You have been given room to express your views, but you were requested to do so in a friendly manner, and without making sweeping comments. You have chosen to breach both of these simple requests, and are clearly not concerned with being a valuable member of this forum.

We will not allow people who aren’t willing to be a valuable member of this forum to spoil it for everyone else.

I wish you all the best with your future learning of Welsh.


@Kinetic, please can you follow up on this and check that @davidjones-10 has no further live subscriptions with us. Diolch :slight_smile:

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Well said Aran, regardless of what beliefs people have and the rights or wrongs of this, it usually ends up with bad feeling and a divide being formed! As far as I am concerned , although lots of topics are discussed on this forum anything that leads to, or deals with these discussions should be kept to other forums or platforms, for me this forum is all about promoting our national language and providing help and reassurance for each and every one of us going along this journey to learn Cymraeg and hopefully be fluent enough to at least have some sort of conversation skills, diolch


By all means. His sub is now terminated in addition to cancelled, as is his account in general.

And speaking as an individual, I would also like to make it clear that I personally believe that Black Lives do indeed Matter and I wholeheartedly support Aran’s position on this.


Diolch, Bryn - we have in the past considered having a ‘nothing that isn’t directly related to learning Welsh’ policy, but decided that it simply doesn’t create a real community when people aren’t allowed to be multi-faceted… and we have over the years hosted a great number of really interesting and complicated discussions on points where people had very different and strongly-held opinions, so we know it’s possible - and when we get it right, I think we all benefit from that… :slight_smile:


I’ve been following this thread closely and have so far refrained from posting anything to it, even though I think that there are several sides to this topic and I tend to agree with most of what has been posted by most people. The disagreement (in my opinion) seems to be mainly about how to discuss this as opposed to the actual ins and outs of the BLM movement.
I feel sad that a thread on what is primarily a forum for learning Welsh seems to have gone a bit sour. I would therefore like to relate in a positive way to what was said in the first posting (way above) in this thread…

…from a quite different angle that has nothing to do with BLM per se, by showing another aspect to the phenomenon of multiculturalism in our society. The article was written 13 years ago, but it still reflects the situation at the school in question. The school just happens to have been my primary school, and I believe that it played a major role in how I view people different from me:


Thanks for that measured and interesting contribution (as always), Baruch :smile:

Just repeating for wider clarity:

I’m now keen not to have any further contributions to this thread unless they’ve been cleared with me first.

I don’t want to lock it, because that’s not where we’re trying to get to with this - but I do want anyone considering contributing to message me first, please… :slight_smile: