Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages

Thanks very much for all the content catches in here, they’re all feeding through straight away to our work on fine tuning, so very very helpful - diolch! :slight_smile: :heart:

Having a few like this at the moment:

“The welsh for what would you”…cuts out and stops playing. I press play then it’s:

“The welsh for busy is prysur” and then continues as normal.




Also some basic phrases get a lot airtime really far into the course “I want to learn to speak welsh doesn’t need to appear every 5 mins. And “you walk more slowly at the weekend seems to be coming up almost every 10 phrases. Thanks


Yep, there is something of a repetitive nature which has come to the surface, in a piece of code written long ago…:ghost:

We are looking at that loop.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi when I started with French today, I got the green belt.( though I got the black stripe for the orange belt only some minutes before I stopped yesterday) and I learnt the word for french, speak, with , you, I want,etc and the informations that Aran gives in the breaks where those of the beginning, like more neurons than stars, more synapses than atoms and so on. After one hour of learning and press skip several times I had not learnt any new word or form. Repetition is ok, but these seems too long and boring.


Hi @brigitte

Yes, thanks for the feedback …and thank you everyone.

We are tweaking and correcting underneath the surface on the basis of what we are hearing.

I have not had that experience myself - or heard of it - I am wondering whether it is some sort of side effect of changing the the length of the belts which seems to have effected you in terms of belt awards.:thinking:

As has been discussed above we are aware of the spaced repetition seeming to get overly focused on a group of sentences - we are looking into that…but that is separate from forward progress in the course.

There will be another version of French available soon as it catches up with the most recent generation process. We will continue to monitor this and would be interested in your experience moving on from this point.


Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Thx for the reply.

Well, I took a go on French just rught now and after about 18 minutes of learning I can say I’m quite pleased with what I hear and see. A bit strange is only that in French you took the phrase “with you” in a formal way but we in all other courses were more used to informal way of “with you”. Well, I imagine this is intentionally this way, but I’d really have to get used to it.

Then I went to cruise around the app a bit. I’ve downloaded it just prior I started French on it so it has to be fresh version, but when I took a look at my subscription there are none. It says I’m subscribef for 0.0 GBP and my subscription is valid until today, however I actually am paying two subscriptions - one is Polyglot and the other is Growth Club so I presume the subscriptions are not rolled into the app properly, yet.

The second thing is that I don’t see Italian anywhere. I get two versions of Welsh, French, Spanish and Irish, but not Italian (which I really am looking forward to get my hands on :slight_smile: ). Should I re-download?

Well, this is all for now. I’m excited that things are finally given out to us.




Hi @tatjana

The French is moving forward very quickly - @Deborah-SSi is testing and working with the content on the courses - she may have a comment here (but I know she is feeding into the tweaks for the next version).

We have a bunch of languages being Alpha tested in the background - Italian got pulled back into that category as it managed to escape without it’s Flag! - it will be back soon!

On the subscription, it is saying that the date is a year ahead - 2025 (i.e. It is not today’s date) at £0 cost.

This is a rolling one year ahead and means that as far as the App is concerned

a. you are all paid up (no money is due)
b. for the entire period that it knows about (no expiry)
c. it is not going to offer you any other subscriptions from the App store.

The small challenge in this area is that there have been a huge number of permutations and combinations of subscription options in the past.

First and foremost we have made sure that the App recognises all of these in the sense that access is given with no charge.

This area will change in the future and get a little more sophisticated as other features and options become available.

I hope that makes sense.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


This seems a little strange, unless you inadvertantly happened to skip over a few new word introductions. I haven’t seen that behaviour myself, but I’ll be doing loads more testing this week so I’ll keep an eye out for it.


Thanks Rich. Those two phrases seem to be happening even more frequently now. It’s actually really inhibiting the flow of the course. It’s like taking a break from learning every 2 minutes. Thanks for trying to fix


Hi @dougmorgan6

Yes, we are working on it now…this is the sort of thing that we will change carefully however!.. but it won’t take long.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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I tried again today, no new words at all, only those I had learnt till Sunday, I am now learning " de mots " and ““dire” and " assez”, and all these words I had learnt already, i.e. before I got this green belt.
And every 5 minutes, I get the same 5 phrases: I’m okay and you, Okay but I’d like to be able to speak French, I’d like to speak French with you, I’m okay but I want to speak French, I’m okay and I want you to speak French with me.
This seems to be too much repetition of " to speak French"

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Yes, I wonder why it is doing this in your case…:thinking:

Could I ask you to check what it says under My Subscription, under My Account?

It almost seems like it is looping in the same way it would, through pre-pay wall material…:thinking:

Feel free to DM me if you don’t want to post this information generally.

Thanks for your help.


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You are subscribed to 0,00 GBP / month
Expires at 10th Sep. 2025.

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Thanks for all your hard work Rich, seems like a massive project


I’ve asked Ifan to check your account settings @brigitte. It does sound like the app isn’t recognising your status and looping around with no new words as if you don’t have a subscription. It may be that it’s not picking up your membership correctly.

I tested the app for several hours yesterday and didn’t reach a point where it stopped giving me new words, and I’ve definitely gone past those you mention.


Hi @brigitte

Can I check whether underneath the Play button you see ‘Change Course’ - as in the screenshot below - or ‘Unlock Belts’?

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Rich, yes, I see: " change course "

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Hi Deborah,
I always got " new words", but they were the same I already had learnt. Yesterday I finally got beyond I had some really new words like: des gens, but I only get 5 or 6 easy sentences with the new word, and then the 5 sentences " I’d like to learn " etc come.
this is a bit odd, because in the breaks Aran explains the 10% rule, suggests to go out of the comfort zone and do mistakes, but with these prompts I can’t make mistakes.


Hi @brigitte

We are having a bit of a think about your specific situation, as it seems unique.

You have an unusual subscription - because you have been with us so long (:star2:) but at the moment we can’t see why that should cause a problem.

In response to feedback we adjusted the belt profile (the number of phrases required to receive a belt) and that seemed to affect you from what you described above.

At the moment we can’t think how this problem would be a result.

We will have a look specifically at the progress records tomorrow to see if we can come to any conclusions.

In the Interests of science as it were…would you be amenable to having your progress record reset?

On the basis that you are the only person experiencing this problem (that we know about) it would seem that the chances are very small that this would happen again.

if it did, we would known to a fair degree of certainty that it is connected to your account (vs an unusual chain of events along the way).

Let me know. Thanks for your help and patience,

We are working on it.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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