Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages

Hi @mary-8

Sorry I have been meaning to reply to you - I’ll send you a DM now.


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I haven’t programmed for Android for years, and even then it was hobbyist-just-needs-to-run-on-one-device level, so I get just enough of the gist to be glad not to be in the hot seat…

That said: re-enabling notifications means that I get that same “stopping” error dialog if I try to turn the screen off, or swap to another app.

Leaving notifications off means that the app works perfectly in the background (including keeping track of my progress) right up until I try to resume it in the foreground. (ie when I restart it after the error, it restarts correctly from where it left off)

It seems like right now I have an either/or choice, depending on permissions - foreground only or background only. (Clarification: with notifications off, it works fine in foreground, and continues to work in the background or on the lock screen - it’s just that attempting to bring it back into focus leads to the error you saw recorded.) The background shtick would work fine for me (don’t mind not seeing the text most of the time, seemingly compatible with running a navigation app in the foreground), but clearly not for everyone - and ideally, the user should be able to choose, without getting the errors.


Oh we will fix it - yes, working on the warnings. We will do our best to be neat and tidy with both.

Thanks for your input on this - very useful. :star2:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Let me know when it isn’t & I’ll shut up :smiley:


Up and running with the French course - huge thanks.
I’ve been going to French classes for 3 years, but my spoken French is still lagging way behind my spoken Welsh (thanks to SSiW) . I can finally see that changing!


This kind of detailed clarity on error reports is very, very helpful, so diolch o galon :star:

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I have the same dilemma as you in terms of choices regarding notifications.

However, on my old phone running Android 8 it behaves as expected.


Sorry to be a stuck record, but @aran do you have any idea when the level 3 southern welsh will be up on the app? Thank you for all your awesome work

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Yep, it turns out to be an Android change and we need to change a library to match. In progress.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @dougmorgan6

Welsh has its own thread in the plan. Deborah is just getting to the end of testing everything up to that point (within the App environment) - she has been doing that today in fact - next up is level 3 South.

There is some work to do here because it has had some script tweaks and fresh recordings done - but of course, this is all the better for the App version of the course.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Ah great thanks Rich. Very exciting.


I’ve followed the advice to uninstall the app and wait patiently before using the new system. Given the posts above, I just thought I would check if this is still the best thing to do, especially because I have a little free time over the next few days and would love to get started with the French course (among many others!). But if it’s still best, happy to wait until given the all clear :slight_smile:


I’m hearing more and more confidence from our trial users, but we should really look to @rich for the last word on this - probably tomorrow morning now before he’ll see this :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Cymdraegwn

We are in the business of sorting out niggles at the moment and because there are different platforms and courses there are quite a few combinations and permutations.

However, it is pretty much there.

If you are happy to bear with the odd thing that isn’t quite 100% because of those permutations it is actually quite useful for us to hear about Android quirks or things that crop up in different situations.

You just need to bear in mind that the version in the stores ls a little behind where we are in terms of things that are fixed.

We are trying to hang on to have a tidying release early-to-mid next week at which point we will say ‘Let’s Go!’

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks - happy to give some content a go and report on any bugs etc, on the understanding that some of these might already have been ironed out.
That is, preferably if the content covered would be carried over to the eventual release anyway!


Yes, there is one record of progress shared across the whole system so wherever / whenever you make progress, it persists - and is available e.g. on another device

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Great, thanks, I’ll get cracking soon :smiley:

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Just to mention that after 5 days since this post was written I still couldn’t find the new app in the Play Store no matter how I spelt it. I even tried “Automagic” as I didn’t know the exact name of the new app. Thx for the link so I could reach the app at all.

So there should be some work done on the visibility of the app if wanting to reach more people, even those who are not (yet) with us here. Yes, I know, this is the beginning and I know how demanding Google is (have developer at home who has to deal with such things Google/Apple related) but visibility and searchability is the key, me thinks.

Now when I finally found it, it is time to try it, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

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Just a couple of things I’ve noticed so far, which I fully appreciate might have already been resolved :slight_smile:

  1. I guess there is intended to be an explanation of the “belts” here, but I can’t get one to show up no matter where or how I try to tap around the icon and text on “Belt levels explained”:

  1. Italian shows up as “languageitalian”:

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Hi @Cymdraegwn


Not had the ‘Belt levels explained’ comment before - there is a pop up which shows all the belt levels on both my iPhone and Android - what type of phone do you have? Thx

This is an interesting transition state on the Italian as it has just been deployed. We will try to avoid this in future.

Thanks for the feedback

Rich :slightly_smiling_face: