Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages

Very excited about the prospect of Italian. I have been keeping my fingers crossed for that since I first heard you promise multiple languages were on the way!
Can we see the new app yet, or is it yet to be published?


It’s in the app stores for testing, but not on open release yet - but it’s looking as though that’s really, really close - and my understanding is that the Italian content will be ready this Wednesday…:slightly_smiling_face:


If you can use anyone to test the Dutch version (if any), let me know. Very much looking forward to seeing the new app!

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My son wants to learn Dutch.


Oh yes, me too, if that’s something that’s possible. I may have mentioned once or twice that I’m desperate to try the french course!

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: New resource for learning Breton online

I did indeed, and I gather the content is ready and is just waiting to be transferred to the app - but the content being ready is not the same as the app being on open release - my current understanding is that when we first move to open release, we’ll be limiting the number of installations just to make sure that nothing explodes - at that point, it would be wonderful to have some extra people testing it - so we’ll announce the limited open release in this thread first of all :slight_smile:

We’re still aiming for the end of the month, but it’s currently looking as though it’s not impossible that we might be a little earlier :crossed_fingers: :slight_smile:


I am so excited. This is my birthday month, so if it does come out that’s my favourite present, thank you very much!


I’ll have to resist the temptation to delay it until it’s my birthday month :wink:

Eeek! Don’t you dare!


I’ve moved the comments about the Breton course, which definitely does NOT use SSi methodology, to New resource for learning Breton online in the ‘Other Languages’ part of the forum, as it’s not really related to the main topic here. (Thanks for the prompt @craigf :slight_smile: )


All very exciting. Will the new app include level 3 south on Automagic? Thanks


I was walking my dog on the South Downs this morning and listening to BBC Radio Cymru when @aran turned up on the Aled Hughes show taking about these exciting times. It was so good to hear the SaySomethingIn news being spread and to be able to understand almost every word but it was only thanks to SSiW that I could do so.
[Edit: It’s available on the BBC Sounds app if you missed it.]
Thank you @aran. Now I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to get to grips with my other life-long language ambition, Japanese


It just so happens that my wife is planning a trip to South Korea and Japan (maybe next year, or perhaps the year after if she doesn’t manage that), and I’ve said I’ll fly out to meet her in Tokyo at the end. So learning Japanese through SSi is going to be a joint activity, I think. And I will hopefully try things out on my Japanese sister-in-law to check we’re not being unbearably rude…


I am also interested to know that, as Southern Welsh seems closer to Cornish, which I already learned through you guys. :slight_smile:


Arabic would be brilliant.
What dialect would you choose? Levant (Lebanon/Syria/Jordan/Palestine) is popular because a lot of TV is in this dialect also Egyptian is well known.
Hopefully don’t choose Fusha/Modern Standard Arabic (Quran Arabic) because it’s only used by TV news/politics.

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A really exciting development. SSIW really is the most effective method I’ve come across. Hope the French course is released very soon as I need to engage in some intense study for work!

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Yes - we’re just working on how to extract the latest recordings to the new app - we’ve had some misunderstandings in the past about how much content was available in AutoMagic (it was always meant to be everything) and we are now prioritising getting up to Level 3 for north and south available as soon as possible after the app launches - which we’re reasonably confident will be less than a month.

Well done on being able to understand that very fast natural usage, @SteakAndEggs! It’s going to be exciting when we launch Japanese - and we hope that it won’t be too long (maybe end of the year) before we’ll be able to make the Japanese (and the other languages) available to learn through the medium of Welsh, which will be an interesting extra challenge for advanced Welsh learners :slight_smile:

We’ll want to offer multiple dialects in due course but we’ll probably start with Egyptian as being the long term most familiar TV standard :slight_smile:

This is very much ‘watch this space’ territory - hoping to have the content fully available in the new app by next week, which means we’d be available to make it available to testers in advance of the app launch :slight_smile:


I keep checking back on this thread to see if there’s any news. Can’t wait to start German with my kiddos!


Ha, same here. I’m been waiting for level 3 southern to be on Automagic since January and may well hit some French after that comes on. Exciting times

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