Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages

Will we need to reinstall or will it update automatically? I assume this has already been noted but has the thing with the prepositions being chunked with the following verb instead of the preceding one been looked at? In the old courses they were always with the preceding verb which makes more sense. The way it is at the moment it’s generating sentences like je veux d’apprendre and j’aimerais à le chercher which I think are incorrect. My french is very rusty so I could be wrong here in which case ignore me! I remember always learning the verb with the following preposition like commencer à because they always go together.

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Btw, what variety of Spanish is in the new app? I don’t know much but I know there’s some vocabulary differences between different Spanish-speaking countries, and also some pronounce the c like an English s, others pronounce it like an English th.
I realise going to the trouble of maintaining North and South Welsh is unusual and not likely to be repeated with Castilian, Mexican, other dialects of Spanish, but it might be helpful at least to know what country’s idiosyncrasies you will be picking up? Does the app tell you? (I know I could find out if I just start Spanish in the app, but I just don’t want to “start learning” before I’m actually ready to commit time to it.)
Personally I’m more likely to visit Spain than Colombia, so Castilian would be most useful to me… but I’m aware that you’ve got to think about the global market, and there’s nothing really wrong with sounding like an Argentinian when visiting Spain. Argentinian tourists do it all the time!


To me, the new voices sound more Castilian than South American, but not overly so.

With the vocab, we tend to go for the most general words, those that will be understood in any Spanish-speaking country. You’ll always get local variation, but you’ll pick that up if you spend any time in a Spanish-speaking area.


@sophie-reardon-smith should be no need to reinstall (afaik!) - and yes, we’ve got a neat solution for prepositions, we’re requiring it to use and present them only in a full word sandwich, which seems to have been a strong solution :slight_smile:

@verity-davey as Deborah says, plus also I think in due course we will indeed give the option of choosing by country, but that’s a reasonably significant extra bit of legwork that we would rather do when we’ve got slightly stronger resources…


Sounds good! What a massive piece of work this is! I’m enjoying watching the developments. Thanks for letting us have early access :grin:


Actually, that’s a difference you’ll find even within Spain. Half of Andalusia does one, half the other: the former Spanish PM, Felipe González, came from the part with an ‘s’, and Spanish media respectfully pronounced his name the same way he did; the BBC, as well-educated foreigners, were ‘th’ all the way down :slight_smile:


We’re very grateful to all the early users, you’re really helping us MASSIVELY :slight_smile: :pray:


Hi Aran, I really love the content of the courses but I’m having an issue with the app ( french and Spanish). When trying to use the revisit button it has put me into a higher belt and I cant seem to get back to the beginning ( white belt). I’m now studying the Spanish through the automagic on the website instead. I’ve done about 4 hrs there. Is there any way of syncing the web automagic progress with the app? It also appears ( from what I saw initially) that the course content is a little different between the two also?


Thanks for reporting that @ingridjukes . I haven’t noticed it myself, but I’ll spend some time testing it thoroughly.



I don’t know if there was a “reboot” yesterday but on going on to the app I was signed out so had to sign in again and now seem to have been put right back to the beginning of the course.

I don’t know if I’m the only one but the French translation still don’t show on screen and the English sentence to translate only appears some of the time. I don’t mind this at all as I prefer just to listen but it might be something that others would want. This is not true on the web version as bothe the English and French always appears on that.



Hi @ingridjukes

The version of Spanish on the new App is much more extensive with a fuzzy overlap which makes transferring progress across very difficult - unlike for example, the Welsh courses where the progress is transferred.

So, the upside is you can go much further with the new one - but you might need to use Skip to find your place.

Can I double check whether when pressing Revisit, you were also pressing Skip?

( Skip will take you forwards in the course/ belts, as it is the mechanism which allows you to find your place.)

We haven’t seen that with the Revisit button - but I would expect exactly that with Skip - could you let us know?


Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @daiwilliams

Thanks for reporting that about the text - we’ll keep an eye out for that one (@Deborah-SSi !).

There has been no reset at this end - could I ask how long you’ve been logged in for? (E.g. a short period, days or weeks). I am wondering whether this is related to ‘the previous new version’ of French which your App has just discovered, as it were. :thinking: We had a couple of ‘funnies’ with that change.

Let me know.



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Llongyfarchiadau enfawr on this new approach and content! I’ve enjoyed what I’ve tried so far and am looking forward to more :slight_smile:

In the Irish demo there’s a display glitch when the Irish text is more than three lines - you can just see the top of ‘anois’ in the screenshot below, but mostly it’s covered, and there seems to way to scroll down. Letting you know in case it’s more general than this one demo version (in which it happens consistently on my Android)

All the best!


@mintonman Yes, it’s a general format issue when the text gets too long - we’ve noticed in Welsh too, so it’s been reported to the IT team.


I haven’t noticed that at all myself, but I’ll do some more intensive testing on the French when the new version comes out and check for that.


Hi @mintonman

Yes! We are going to make the text area bigger in general to allow for sentences getting longer and longer!..also to allow for larger text settings.

This one is on the list. :+1:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve been logged in for a while - I’ve been using it everyday. I still have issues with it “moving on” to the next block of sentences. I usually have to come out of the “learning” section, go to home and then click on “find my course”. This usually works and will kickstart the “loading” for the next block.



Hi @daiwilliams

…yes…there is a feeling that there was/is an issue within that version of the French course - it keeps cropping up. We have a new version about to arrive and have our thinking caps on as to how to test this out.

Thanks for your feedback on this

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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You sorted my problem with repeating 5 sentences :" I’m okay, but I want / like to learn / speak" but now I have the same problem with all the sentences with: “Je ne connais pas, mais …” and " que me vous “.
The pattern is like this: A new word or new chunk is introduced, I have to say it twice, 3 or 4 sentences with the new material are prompted and then come at least 10 sentences of: " Je ne connais pas " and " que me vous.”.
The probllem is, that the new material is never repeated, and the words and structures are now challenging.
Another thing is: there is very often no french text.



@daiwilliams wrote about a web version, where the french text always appears.
(How) can I access the web version on the PC ?


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