Big Leaves – Dydd ar ôl Dydd

I’ve started listening to my Welsh music collection a bit more closely, and trying to learn the lyrics. My aural comprehension skills aren’t great, so I could do with a bit of help refining the transcriptions and translations.

I nabbed the original transcription from DYDD AR OL DYDD CHORDS by Big Leaves @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com and have fixed the obvious errors, but I’m sure I haven’t got it all right!

I’d be grateful if folks could help correcting this, both in English and Welsh.

Dydd ar ôl dydd
Mae meddylion yn ffoi
Cyn i mi droi, eto
Tro ar ôl tro
Gorfod syllu yn syn
Dim ond ar y hyn sydd yn bod

Derfraf, fy ffrind
Paid y gadael o fynd
O dy feddwl dy hun
Cadwa dy barch
Dim angen glanion mewn arch
Cyn dy amser dy hun, dy hun

Dydd ar ôl dydd
Un ar ôl un
Sy’n troi dyfodoi côr
Dydd ar ôl dydd
Un ar ôl un
Sy’n troi dyfodoi côr

Un ar ôl un
Mae meddylion yn gas
Wedi colli yng nghas
Gwedda paid bod mor ddo
A dy chwarae y ffŵl
Sy’n colli ei cŵl

Dydd ar ôl dydd
Dw i’n colli fy ffŵl
Mae paid a dy gŵl
Tro ar ôl tro
Gorfod syllu yn syn

Dim ond ar y hyn sydd yn bod
Dim ond ar y hyn sydd yn bod

Day after day
Thoughts are fleeing
Before I turn, again
Time after time
Having to stare in surprise
Only this exists

Finally, my friend
Don’t let it go
From your own mind
Keep your respect
No need for shores in a coffin
Before your own, your own, time

Day after day
One by one
Which leads to the arrival of a choir
Day after day
One by one
Which leads to the arrival of a choir

One by one
Thoughts are hateful
Lost in hate
Please don’t be so quick
And you play the fool
who loses his cool

Day after day
I miss my fool
Don’t be cool
Time after time
Having to stare in surprise

Only this exists
Only this exists

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o hyfryd, da iawn! O’n i’n chwylio’r chords/geiriau i hwn, dw i’n mynd i drio dysgu canu’r gân, ac mi ddaeth Google â fi i SSIW, byd bach! Diolch yn fawr!
(mi ges i syndod at faint o’r geiriau o’n i’n dallt)

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Un peth - dw i rîli ddim yn siwr am y llinell “Dim angen glanion mewn arch” sydd yn “No need for shores in a coffin”. Dydy o ddim yn gwneud synnwyr i mi!

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Cwestiwn da! Dw i’n brwydro i ddallt yr ail bennill o gwbl!
Dw i di gwrando arni hi lawer o weithiau, dal ddim yn gwybod :frowning:

Possibly the verb glanio “to come to shore, land” ie “no need to land in a coffin before your time”?


Oh, that makes much more sense! Thanks!

I don’t really ‘do’ song lyrics, but in this particular song, there is one couplet that has always stood out to me.

Mae’r meddyliau’n gas
Wedi colli’r ras

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yeah that sounds brilliant when he sings it. Less so when I do…

Thank you! I am not great at aural comprehension, but now you’ve pointed out it’s “wedi colli’r ras” I can absolutely hear it and feel daft for not having heard it before now. :joy:

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The other bit I’m really not sure about is:

Dydd ar ôl dydd
Dw i yn colli fy ffŵl
Mae paid â dy gŵl
Tro ar ôl tro
Gorfod syllu yn syn

Day after day
I miss my fool
Don’t be cool
Time after time
Having to stare in surprise

I think I can hear a “Mae rhaid…” instead of “Mae paid” but I can’t quite make it out. I’m also not sure about that last line or its translation.

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If only this video were longer!