Berlin Cymraeg Learners Group

I’m trying to set up a group for learners of Welsh in Berlin… to meet up every so often and talk (about) Cymraeg over coffi a chacen or cwrw bach.

I’ve been learning since September with an online course bolstered by duolingo and SSiW, wrth gwrs.

I live in Wedding, but would be ready to jump on the U-Bahn.

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@CatrinLliarJones ar gyfer y cylchlythyr :slight_smile:

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Shwmae @BerlinTom!

I don’t live in Germany, but I spend a week there every year celebrating New Year with Esperanto-speaking friends. We vary the location each year and there’s talk of it being somewhere near Berlin next year.

Also, I have a friend who lives in Arendsee/Altmark who I’m hoping to visit in the spring this year, and I’ll probably fly to Berlin first.

If either of both of those possibilities come through, I’ll be in touch!

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Shwmae Deborah!

Cool. And by then perhaps I’ll have found the other Welsh learners of Berlin. If not spring, then NY :grinning:

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Bit of interest in a group over on Reddit… :crossed_fingers:


I’ve had a quick peek at Reddit. It looks positive!

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Yeah, surprisingly so. Thought I’d be waiting a while to get a response! A mix of proficiency levels too, which is bendigedig.


Dyn ni’n mynd am gwrw/ goffi dydd Sadwrn (17 Chwefror). Here’s the link…

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Bendigedig! A great start, and I’m sure you’ll find more Welsh speakers to join you!

Actually, there are 3 Berlin addresses in the Postcard Club, and I know one of people. She’s been learning Welsh for several years and speaks really well!

I’ll get in touch with them and let them know, though it’s probably not enough time for them to make the first meetup. Hopefully, the one after that.

Sorry, missed your message. Yeah, members from the postcard club would be grêt! Roedd y gyfarfod gwych ddoe. Daeth wyth pobl… beginners and fluent speakers :grinning:

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Wow! Wyth o bobl! That’s more than we managed in Caerdydd at times when I was living there! A fantastic start! I’m really looking forward to a trip to Berlin now :star2:


Three months later and we were on the Aled Hughes show this morning :partying_face: Aled Hughes - Y criw o siaradwyr Cymraeg sy'n cwrdd yn fisol yn Berlin. - BBC Sounds I was made to feel really welcome (only been learning for 8 months)


Bendigedig! Brilliant Tom! :star2:

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Hi @BerlinTom ! I’ve been looking for conversation spaces in Berlin since my arrival about a week ago. Do you happen to know of any meetups occuring soon?


Hi @billy-hughes Just dropped you a message on Meet Up. Great that you can make it on 22nd :grinning: Tom