“Automagic Listen”

I’ve had what I think is a good idea. First of all LOVING Automagic and very much looking forward to level 3 being added.

The idea: I find from having done a lot of SSIW over the years, my speaking welsh is really quite good now and this is only getting better with Automagic. However I feel that my listening, especially to fast Welsh is a lot weaker (but slowly improving). Do you reckon in the future you could also have an “Automagic Listen” version. Might be technically quite easy- you “just” reversed the order so welsh comes first (but you only hear the English once).

Keen to know your thoughts.




Hi Doug,

Delighted that you’re enjoying AutoMagic, and thank you very much for the suggestion - have you used the listening exercises for the old Levels? They should still be valuable, although it’s not currently easy to match their content to time spent in AutoMagic.

We will be weaving elements of the old listening exercises into AutoMagic, but there are quite a few things we need to get right about that, so it’s a fair old piece of work - I’m going to start mapping it out in the second half of 2024, once we’ve launched our new apps :slightly_smiling_face:


All sounds very exciting. Seriously, you guys are doing incredible work, I would say I’m close to becoming “fluent” in welsh now (never succeeded in other attempts at second languages) and it’s all down to SSIW. Please make Automagic go on after level 3- it’s such an incredible tool and will be gutted when I get to the end. Thanks so much again!


And no, I never really got on with the listening exercises for some reason- maybe when I run of Automagic track (sad face), that’ll be the next thing to do.


Thank you so much, Doug, appreciate that enormously.

I’d strongly recommend the listening exercises - they make a huge difference when you do them regularly - you need to cultivate a kind of Zen focus on the sound, rather than trying to understand them - treat them like birdsong, and then take it as a huge win when you realise you’ve understood a couple of words… :slightly_smiling_face:

We’re certainly going to be looking at adding more content post Level 3 over the next year or so :grin:


Nice one Aran, really appreciate the advice, I’ll definitely do that with this philosophy. Thanks again and speak soon

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Good man! Good luck with it, and let us know how it goes :muscle::partying_face: