Are you sitting CBAC Dysgu Cymraeg exams?

If you’re doing a course with Dysgu Cymraeg and you’re planning to sit the exams at the end of Mynediad, Sylfaen, Canolradd or Uwch, then you’re invited to join in a FREE weekend of revision in preparation for the exams run by Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent over Zoom.

It will take place over the 20-21 May, 9:30 to 15:30. You don’t need to attend both days if that’s difficult for you, but it would be an advantage if you can. They will go through all aspects of the exams and give you a practice speaking exam as well.

Here are the links to register:

Mynediad -

Sylfaen -

Canolradd -

Uwch -

Any questions to:

Geraint Wilson-Price
Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent
Learn Welsh Gwent
01495 333710

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You can do it yourself by clicking on your name at the top of the website, then going to ‘Subscription’ and using the Cancel button; or if you can’t find that easily, send an email to and we’ll do it for you.
