Anyone help with idiom/tag words heard on Rownd a Rownd, please?

Hi all,

I’ve often noticed what sounds like “tad” being added as a sort of (I’m assuming) positive emphasis after an “yndw” answer to a question, “yndw tad”.

Likewise a “doit” or “dweet” sounding addition after a statement, which seems to be something akin to “isn’t it?”.

It’s mostly Rownd a Rownd characters I’ve heard this from, although it does appear elsewhere in Northern based programmes on S4C, especially Rhys Meirion’s various ones. Can someone who knows about such things put me right on this, please, as I’d love to know what they are all about, and if my guesses based on context are anywhere near the truth.


Yes, that’s pretty much it. Now you’ve found it, you’ll notice it in quite a few places… oeddet, tad, yndi, tad croeso, tad

You’re probably hearing dwyt, which is a contraction of yndwyt and means “are you not”, so yes, almost right there, just in the wrong ‘person’ - for “isn’t it”, you’d most likely hear tydi up here :slight_smile:

Oh magic, thanks so much siaronjames - that’s really great. A quick follow on, if I may - what is the origin of the tad (obviously not Dad, I suppose)?

Yes, I’ve encountered the “tydi” in the wild, but not the “dwyt” - so that’s another to add to my collection!

Great to know what that was all about, and feeling a little pleased with myself that the context guesses weren’t too far off the mark either (take the little wins where you can, eh?) Brilliant, and thanks again - really appreciate your help.

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Well I can’t say I’m 100% certain, but I heard that it apparently comes from “yn enw’r Tad” (in the name of the Father") as a way of saying “in truth”, which I guess is another way of saying “for sure”.

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Fascinating; thanks again.

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