Anyone fancy a pint/practice in Cardiff, Monday night, 5th of March?

Sounds good to me! Although I might not be trying out the cocktails since I’ll be working early the next day…

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I am supposed to be going up to north Cardiff to a choir session (which was arranged after Aran decided to come down, but is too important to miss I’m afraid as it’s the recording session & telly cameras will be there etc). But it finishes early-ish (8.30) so I could swing home, pick up Angharad, and get round to The Other Side of the River by 9-ish. However, all of this is going to be depending on weather now, isn’t it! (Not presently going anywhere…)

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Yup, it’s all got a bit weather sensitive - I’m ready to go, but if I needed to travel today, it would be a no-show, because the lane from us out to the first bit of road, and that first bit of road itself before we get to the real road, are ungritted and covered in a thick layer of sheet ice…

I’ll update in here tomorrow and Sunday as we see how it plays out… :slight_smile:


How are things looking Aran? Cardiff has almost returned to normal. Buses are running on most routes today, although there were some problems in Barry, but city seems OK. It has continued to thaw throughout the day and at 8pm the temperature is 5 degreesC, and hopefully won’t freeze overnight.


Yup - we got out yesterday, and it’s a touch better again today, so looks as though there will be no problems at all…:slight_smile:

It also looks as though the lecture itself on the Tuesday almost certainly isn’t going to happen, so I’m basically coming down to Cardiff for an SSiW evening, breakfast with an old friend, and then high-tail it home… :slight_smile:

What time do you usually kick-off? 7.30ish?


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7pm. Hopefully Jenny and Gav will make it as well as a few others. Be nice to have a drink with “the Boss”!!


I haven’t actually been to a meet-up yet, but I will try to make it to this one.


Lecture cancelled? Only coming down to meet us? Oh dear, I’m not even sure about chancing the trains home tonight. Parking in or near the station may be an issue, still snow piled here. Take care, whether or not you decide to come. Hope the lecture’s rescheduled and I get another opportunity to meet up.

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Look forward to meeting you!

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Well, probably - can’t be 100% sure until tomorrow morning, technically - so while it would be entirely fair for me to sit this one out, it feels right to do what I can just in case… besides, I need my annual train journey to Cardiff to spend ten hours or so trying to figure out why the SSi Method works… :wink:

Looking forward to seeing you all! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Well that’s a challenge - if you can come all that way, Aran, I may chance it. Have to say the Arriva Train you’ll be on is the more reliable. Ours is the great great granddaddy and doesn’t always decide to make it all the way to Barry Island!

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Hope to see everyone tonight. Might be a little late depending on childcare though
So, park plaza sometime after 7 :slight_smile:


Sorry folks, I don’t think I’ll be there. I went down to see what it would be like. The station car park is a lake, some of the roads are semi-blocked with snow and the ticket office was closed, so no advice from ‘the woman who knows everything’.

Have a lovely evening, everyone.

Diolch Aran for keeping your commitement to attend- is there a record for the longest distance travelled for a SSIW meetup??

I’ll jump on a train after work in Swansea- looking forward to talking with everyone later…


I’ve only just seen this thread where are you meeting?

Bar of the Park Plaza on Greyfriars road, 7 ish.

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Cheers I’ll be there just after 7. I’ll be the only one with a Brummie accent.


Ffab! Angharad probably won’t be able to make it, as she’s been very poorly. So if that’s the case I’ll come straight from my choir and should be able to get there before 9pm. Hope there’ll still be a couple of people hanging out? If you decide to move on somewhere else (aka pub crawl) could someone text me on 07940 385153? Ta.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!


Sorry to hear Angharad has not been well. What a shame as it sounds like it’s shaping up to be a fun evening! Wish I could join you :smile:

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Thanks, Dee. It’s “just” a cold, but it’s been a particularly nasty and lingering one :frowning: