Any Welsh learners in/near Llanbedr Pont Steffan?

Hello everyone, I am German, a Welsh learner (still beginner) and will be staying in Llanbed until the end of Feb 2019. Anyone in the area interested in trying out their Welsh on a walk or over a cuppa/pint? :slight_smile:

Hi Ingrid! I live in Llandysul, so you’re very close by. I could pick you up on the way to the Clonc-edigion meetup on Sat Feb 2, so you and @gisella-albertini can chat with each other before we arrive in Tregaron, if you like.

The other great opportunity in Llambed is Tuesday mornings, 11am, in the health shop - the Mulberry Bush. They’re a lovely, friendly group and if you mention SSiW, they all know about us. :slight_smile:


Dear Dee, diolch yn fawr!!! Da i awn!!! Gwych!!! What a generous and kind offer! Thank you so very much, yes it would be wonderful if you could pick me up for the meeting… :smiley::smiley::smiley:

And thank you for the hint… today is Tuesday and it is just a quarter to 10, so I might just make a move and join the meeting at the Mulberry today… :smiley: :dancer::dancer::dancer:

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And it even sounds a bit like the beginning of a joke:
a New Zealander, a German and an Italian are sitting in a car speaking Welsh… :rofl:



Actually, I was thinking of carrying on to do a little sightseeing with Gisella after the meetup, if you’d like to join us for that too?

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You will find you won’t have to twist my arm… I would be most delighted!!! :smiley::smiley::smiley:

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