Any Cymraeg Speakers in Delaware or DelMarVa Region

Hello, I’m looking to organize a Delawre/DelMarVa meet up to speak Cymraeg. I had a taste of speaking with others at the NAFOW in Alexandria, VA and enjoyed it very much. I would like to speak more Cymraeg with others in person.

I know Tahl runs a monthly meet up in DC and was warmly welcomed to attend, but that’s a bit far to drive, 2.5 hours for me.

Anyone interested?

Sionned (whom you met) has developed a map showing @synthya in Milton, but I can’t find him/her in the list of members.

There is another non-ssiw resource which shows a learner L S King in or near Dover but I don’t know how to contact him/her.

Sorry but I can’t locate anyone else in DE (even you :slight_smile: ) but if you want to be shown on @Sionned 's map yourself, you could let her know your location and ask her to do the necessary.

One of the Ystrad Meurig Joneses :laughing:


Thank you Huw! This what I enjoy about this forum; how people go out of their way to help. I ran the same searches as you, but could not find a timestamp to see how old the pins were for each user. I ran a search for “Delaware” and found an old link from 2014 to the “Delaware Welsh Society” based in northern Delaware, about 80 miles away from me. Their Facebook page was last updated in July. I have emailed them and currently am hopeful. Also Atomic_newt told me at NAFOW she saw several people with Delaware on their name tags. There’s hope!

And I did reach out to Sionned on the proper thread to ask to have my name added to the map.


Drop me an email and I’ll pass your details on to Mari and Hywel… :slight_smile: