Any advice for a Texan American trying to learn Welsh?

I have been stuck listening to just the first lesson of Southern Welsh for about a week and a half. I do well during the beginning to middle of the lesson. However when the speaker begins to add more than about five words I get lost with the translation because I can’t remember exactly what he said in order to interpret it properly. Also, I am stumped by the phrases for, I need to and I still need to. Any suggestions would be welcomed and appreciated. Thanks in advance y’all.

Shwmae Cheri a chroeso i’r fforwm (welcome to the forum).
I’m guessing you’re doing the new course! You may notice in the build up to the longer sentences, Iestyn (the speaker) asks you to say a sentence which invariably begins the longer sentence, so essentially, you’ve already said that first bit of the long sentence, and now you’re saying it again with the added bit on the end!
Also, are you using the pause button? This is your friend, certainly in the beginning of each challenge you do, and then once your getting your Welsh out quicker, try without. Don’t worry about making mistakes because these help make you a better Welsh speaker, and don’t try for perfection because there isn’t any such thing! Believe me when I say you’re doing really well!
As for the “I need” and “I still need” structure, bear in mind that this is one of many phrases you will come across that doesn’t directly translate from the English. Literally, “mae eisiau i fi” means “There is a need for me…” and “mae dal eisiau i fi” means “there’s still a need for me…” (You will hear this of course as “ma ishe i vee” and “ma dal ishe i vee” respectively), but you will get used to these patterns with plenty of practice.
Good luck with the rest of the course, I know you will enjoy it once you get into the swing of it! :slight_smile:

Just to add to that great answer from Gavin - if you can’t remember exactly what was said, just have a go at saying anything you can remember, and move on - this isn’t a memory test…:smile:

It sounds to me as though it’s high time for you to move on to Challenge 02 - as Gavin has already said, this isn’t about perfection. Out of interest, did you listen to the introduction?..:smile:

Croeso! As a Windy City resident trying to learn Welsh and as someone who (needlessly) worries about saying things right, I can definitely endorse what Aran and Gavin said.

However when the speaker begins to add more than about five words I get lost with the translation because I can’t remember exactly what he said in order to interpret it properly

This happens to me. I will sometimes back up and listen to the English phrase again before saying the Welsh…that may help you.

Also, I am stumped by the phrases for, I need to and I still need to.

What stumps you about the phrase?