Android phone users - new SSiW app now available!

Hey, number 1 for SSIW in google play!


Excellent, diolch!

If you just want the link, it’s


Just a quick warning: If you tend to write a review (if you didn’t do that yet) and you’re using latest (beta) version, you won’t be able to do so. You’ll just have to wait until current beta is released to the public or get back to current public version.

(this is what I’ve just experienced wanting to write a review. Google rules obviously).


I cant get mine to download any lessons. Did you get yours to work please? Daryl

Daryl - you don’t need to ask questions in two places. Most people read all of them. I answered you in the other, but just to make it easy I’ll answer it here, too. I had the same problem with my phone at first. Do you keep your phone’s wifi turned off (like I do)? If so, check in the settings to see if “Download via Wi-Fi only” is checked. If it is, uncheck it and it will probably work fine.

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Yes, the replies went lost eventually since you’ve posted in several topics. I’ve answered with the same thing as @Sionned did in Android app thread. I’ve also put you a question about the apps in Android app testers for bug fixes required which was because I thought you’ve got yourself a test version of app which works a bit different regarding permition of downloading the lessons but since I somehow think you don’t have that tester app, you might ignore my question there.

I hope you’ve solved the problem in the mean time if not @theblacksparrow would be the right person to help since he’s making SSi apps for Android.

Pob lwc.

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