And 4 days after the first SSiW lessons were published

Yes, it’s penblwydd hapus Angharad Lliar!


Penblwydd hapus iawn Angharad! :unicorn: :unicorn: :keycap_ten: :martial_arts_uniform: :star2:

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Penblwydd hapus Angharad (and SSiW course?). Buon compleanno! :rainbow:

p.s. since the thread title was different, when I saw the picture and knowing that pen means head, I thought you were talking about a happy unicorn head. :slightly_smiling_face: I hope I figured it out right now!


Penblwydd Hapus Angharad Lliar! Mwynhewch!


Penblwydd hapus Angharad Lliar!!
Hope you have a lovely day! :heart: :cake: :gift: :star2:


That is pretty much Angharad’s idea of a perfect birthday… :wink:

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Penblwydd Hapus, Angharad Lliar! :birthday: :balloon: :gift: I hope you are having a fantastic day! I LOVE the unicorn balloon :heart: :unicorn:

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It’s awesome, if a little uncanny hovering over me as I try to get some work done…


Penblwydd hapus iawn Angharad oddi wrth Lowri (a’r gweddill ohonom ni yn amlwg).

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Penblwydd hapus i ti, Angharad Lliar ! Enjoy your day. :heartbeat::pie::sparkler:

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Penblwydd Hapus Angharad Lliar!! That was an amazing way to celebrate the start of SSiW, Catrin and Aran!!

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Angharad Lliar says ‘Diolch yn fawr iawn bawb!’ :heart:


Penblwydd hapus Angharad!

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Angharad says ‘Diolch, dwi’n rili licio fo’… :slight_smile: :star2:


Diolch i ti Angharad hefyd.

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Dw i’n un dydd hwyr, ond, Penblwydd hapus, Angharad! Mae fy merch yn deud i ti, "Paid ag anghofio i chawarae efo


It’s awesome, if a little uncanny hovering over me as I try to get some work done…

Wait until it loses some helium and floats about 1 meter off the ground in the middle of night and is somewhere you don’t expect it. :japanese_ogre: Now it’s startling. :smile:

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:joy: :joy: :joy: Tell your daughter I’m looking STERNLY at her from over here… :wink:

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Santes Dwynwen, Burns Night and Diwrnod Angharad ferch Aran!!

Penblwydd hapus iawn! Mae’n ddrwg gen i fod o’n hwyr!

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