An Historic Date

Hilarious, thanks @AnthonyCusack. That in turns reminds me of

I had twelve bottles of whisky in my cellar…
and my wife told me to empty the contents
of each and every bottle down the sink…
or else!
So, I said I would… and proceeded with the unpleasant task.

I withdrew the cork from the first bottle and
poured the contents down the sink, with the
exception of one glass… which I drank.

I extracted the cork from the second bottle
and did likewise with the exception of one
glass… which I drank.

I pulled the cork from the third bottle and
poured the whiskey down the sink, with the
exception of one glass… which I drank.

I then withdrew the cork from the fourth sink
and poured the bottle down the glass…
which I drank.

I pulled the bottle from the cork of the next
and drank one sink out of it and threw the
rest down the glass.

I pulled the sink out of the next glass and
poured the cork from the bottle.
Then I corked the sink with the glass, bottled
the drink and drank the pour.

When I had everything emptied I steadied
the house with one hand, counted the bottles,
corks, glasses and sinks with the other, which
were twenty-nine.
To make sure I counted them again… they came to seventy-four.

And as the house came by, I counted them again,
and finally I had all the houses and bottles and
corks and sinks and glasses counted,
except one house and one cork… which l drank.


There is a tradition among bloggers on patent law to contribute a tall story on 1 April. One of the unwritten rules is that it must contain a grain of truth (but not much more than a grain) and preferably relate to a topical issue. Last year, there was a controversy over whether inventions created by artificially intelligent machines could qualify for inventions so I contributed a story about an invention by a cat. This year I am trying to learn Welsh so I am writing about a brilliant Celtic-Indigenous American civilization on the banks of the Missouri River that invented the magnetic compass The grain of truth? There really was a Prince Madoc in the 12th century. The topicality? There is a debate on the feasibility of filing patent applications in Welsh.

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