Have you heard of the free app Amikumu? It’s available for Android and iOS, and lets you search for other users closest to you geographically that have included the same language in their profile.
For example, if you say in your profile that you’re learning Spanish (and you can show whether you are a beginner, intermediate, advanced, or native speaker), then you can search for people located near you that also speak or are learning Spanish. Amikumu will give you a list of the closest 100 users! You can then text them a message, and if you get on well with them, arrange to meet in person or online for a chat.
Amikumu also released a new feature recently that lets you send out a public message to the 100 people closest to you geographically. It’s a great way for letting people know of any Spanish events or conversation groups in your area, and you can find out what others are posting too.
Have a look at https://amikumu.com/ for more information.