Alternative ways of saying something

We were practising some numbers with our little grandson (Welsh speaker from Bethesda aged 8) the other day, So I tried “pa mor hen?”. He looked a little confused and then told me that it’s better to use “faint oed?”. Ah well…

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That’s children for you! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It’s funny that you don’t think much about alternative ways of saying things in your own first language - probably almost nothing that can’t be said multiple ways - and between the common variants it’s unlikely to be a choice of better or worse.

Debatably there are more regional variants and preferences for them in Welsh :thinking:

Rich :slight_smile:

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Might be how they taught him in school. Similar happened in a coffee morning I went to. Someone asked a SSiW am faint wyt ti bod yn dysgu? which didn’t register straight away. although of course they were fine when asked pa mor hir…

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