Aled Hughes - Her yr Wyddfa

This week, Aled Hughes of Radio Cymru will be attempting to complete the challenge of climbiing 5 of the seven paths up the Wyddfa - 1 a day for 5 days, to raise money for Children in Need in Wales. Today is his first day…


This morning I contacted him on Radio Cymru to offer him support from the Say Something in Welsh community, which he was obviously very pleased to receive and read it out on the air. You can listen to our message of support to him here about 44 minutes in, followed by an interesting chat with Dai Thomas about the Wyddfa.


Well, he made it yesterday in awful conditions. I’m guessing today will be even worse. It has rained here non stop since late last night and I suspect that a lot of it is falling as snow in the Wyddfa. Good luck to him with the second day of his challenge…

Click on the link to see the video in Twitter.