After you, in the south

Southern course 3, at about 22:18

The sentence is: She came home after you, luckily enough.

I would have translated “after you” as (phonetic) aroll etee
But, in the reply, it sounds like “Undoldee”

Am correct in understanding that they mean the same thing. But “arol etee” would be used before a verb, “arol etee vind” after you go. And “undoldee” is used to mean, “come after you, or follow you”?

Continuing on with this logic, I am assuming that “before you” would be 'ungendee", instead of “ken etee”?

And, would after me be “undolvee”?

It’s more like “ardoldee” (at least I hear something like this.

And, for all who wonder, this is in Course 3 Lesson 18 at exactly 22:09.

I actually hear what I’ve written above but am not able to actually understand the words. They seam too fast spoken to me eve by Iestyn. Maybe @Iestyn himself would be kind enough to explain the question above in @davidhamilton’s post? Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Listened once again and came up with “Daeth hi gatre ar dy ôl di yn digon ffodus.” so you see “ar ôl” is somewhere in the sentence just split with “dy” what I would understand more like posessive structure although the sentence itself doesn’t mean to be so. But still “official” explanation would come handy here because I actually don’t quite understand what that “dy” is doing in there …

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after - ar ôl

However it is a compound preposition and has the following patter

after me - ar fy ôl i
after you - ar dy ôl di
after him - ar ei ôl e
after her - ar ei hôl hi
after us - ar ein hôl ni
after you - ar eich ôl chi
after them - ar eu hôl nhw

remember the treiglad and the addition of ‘h’ before the vowel

other compound prepositions are treated in the same way but remember that there may already have been a mutation after ‘ar’ and ‘o’ so the first letter may be different eg, gyfer = cyfer so there will be a t c p mutation with ei female and a nasal mutation with fy.
ar gyfer, ar bwys, ar draws, er mwyn, o blaid, o gwmpas, o flaen, wrth ochr, yn erbyn, yn lle, yn ymyl


Thank you for this! I believe I’ll never totally understand those things but it helps.

However I think what actually confused @davidhamilton is that he thought that “ar ôl” is one word which should be impossible to devide with something. I tend to think this because I thought the same about it before one day I didn’t peer into Course guide (ar ôl was introduced much earlier though) and actually saw how it’s written. This cleared quite some things up for me …

Diolch yn fawr iawn @llanddinol.

That makes it perfectly clear. Diolch un fower.

yes, I did think it was one word. So, now I understand much better. Diolch yn fawr.

…or rather Diolch yn fawr?

Mae hyny’n iawn. :slight_smile: (that’s correct). (ac) Croeso.