"About" Page

Sut buasech yn sgwennu “About” neu gair fwy addas i gyflwyno person ar tudalen “about” ar gwefan. Dwi’n gwybod mae “amdan” y person mae’r adran o’r gwefan - ydy hwn y peth i galw fo - mae rhywun dwi’n 'nabod efo “Tua” a dwi’n gwybod nid hwn iw’r gair cywir i ddweud ond dwi ddim yn sicr o’r ateb fwyaf addas chwaith it helpu.

How would you write “About” or a word more suitable to introduce a person on an “About” page on a website. I know that “Amdan” the person on website - is this the thing to call it - someone I know has “Tua” on their website - I know this isn’t the right word to say but I’m not sure of the most suitable word to help.

I’ve just had a quick look at some different websites to see what they use for their ‘About’ section and generally it seems to be “Amdanom ni” for companies and “Amdana i” for individuals.

‘tua’ means ‘about’ as in ‘roughly/approximately’, so yes, it’s wrong in this context.

For next time, if you want write in Welsh that’s fine, but please put an English translation in too so that newer learners can understand - the subject may be of interest to them, but their Welsh may not be advanced enough to read it yet. That’s why - although it seems strange on a ‘Learn Welsh’ site - English is the main language of the forum. :slight_smile:


|### Wendy TE|10:35 (0 minutes ago)||

to siaronjames


Diolch am cymryd yr amser i ateb Siaron -

“Tua” o’n i’n gwybod oedd yn meddwl “roughly/approximately” a dyna ydy’r traferth sgwennu gair saesneg i fewn i Google a cael cyfieithiad llythrennol yn ôl.

Wnes i feddwl ar ôl sgwennu’r cwestiwn wneuth “Cyflwyniad” gwneud hefyd oherwydd dyna dach chi’n gwneud wrth sgwennu amdan dy hun.

Diolch eto.


Thank you for taking the time to answer Siaron.

“Tua” I knew meant “roughly/approximately” and that’s the trouble with typing an English word into Google translate and getting a literal translation back.

I thought after writing out my question that “introduction” would also have done because that is what you are doing when writing “about” yourself.

Thanks again


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I’ve also seen “cefndir” (background) on a couple of sites, but versions of “am” seem to predominate. “cyflwyniad” would be fine, I think, though.

Diolch eto.
Thanks again.

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The ‘About Us’ button/link on websites is often Ynglŷn â Ni.


Diolch Garethrking - thank you - awgrym ddefnyddiol - useful suggestion

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