Abertawe Meet-ups

I’m trying to get hold of someone who is involved with the meet-ups in Swansea. I’ve contacted the person who is mentioned on the weekly newsletter but haven’t had a response for sometime. Is there anyone else who goes that could perhaps get me introduced?

@triciaroberts, can you assist here maybe? @owainlurch doesn’t respond it seams.


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Hi Dan, sorry Owain has been off the grid, we will be going to the Brunswick at 20.00.
To recognise us, Owain will be wearing SSiW T shirt.

It’s a bit late now so don’t worry if you can’t make it tonight but look forward to meeting you if you can.

Cheers Tricia

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We have a Facebook group too which is the best way to communicate to is now.
I can’t paste the link to it on this forum but if you search Abertawe Welsh you should find out group and join if you so wish!

I hope I’m allowed to do this …
Here you go @Dan_Crosby

Abertawe Welsh Group (FB)

Sgwrsiau hapus! :slight_smile:

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Diolch yn fawr @triciaroberts dwi ddim yn gallu dod heno ond dwi’n wedi hoffi Facebook page. Bydd i’n dod next wythnos.

Diolch @tatjana for providing the link. :slight_smile:

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Thanks Dan! Remember the Facebook page is the best place to go to find out if anything is going on as joining in with welsh events is a great way to practice your Welsh in short bursts!
Hope to see you soon!

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Oh and thanks for putting the link up!

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You’re welcome both.

Providing help obviously I can do better then siarad Cymraeg. :smiley: