A wonderful week Wythnos Byw'n Gymraeg

I have just had a wonderful week, immersed in Welsh all day and all evening. I probably had a few bits of Welsh in my dreams too!

This was the Wythnos Byw’n Gymraeg held in the Garth Newydd house in the heart of Lampeter, in Welsh-speaking mid Wales.

Nia Llywellyn, the organiser, gave herself heart and soul into making this a special experience for the group of 9, hailing from England, Wales, Sweden and Australia.

The group enjoyed teasing me about my constant glasses of what I insisted on calling llefrith, not llaeth, and we had a lot of fun and laughter generally.

We had interesting excursions and great experiences, visiting behind the scenes in a theatre, a pub quiz, Rugby Club, Choir rehearsal, crown green bowls, a Welsh chat group by the seaside, a school, cannot remember what else!

The activities will not be all the same each week, of course. Oh, I nearly forgot! A visit to the demonstration kitchen of TC chef Gareth Richards, where we whisked up some delicious cakes and puds.

All this in the friendly atmosphere of Garth Newydd, encouraged by Nia, and spending time - and money - in the shops of Lampeter.

Will I be back for a second taste?

You bet!


I saw and was impressed with the Facebook photos of the week. Thank you for clarifying some, at least, of what I was gazing at!

Nia had given those of us who had been present on the “Penwythnos Sketchy Welsh” a similarly full and engaging two and a half days of fun, stimulation and time and guidance to discover and appreciate some of the delights of Llanbedr PS/Lampeter.

Being myself, as I am now in 2024, pretty dopey about a lot of things and somewhat ill-prepared, I have been beginning to appreciate what I was being introduced to, as much, if not more, in retrospect than at the time, which was to me in contrast to my reclusive life, a whirlwind of new ideas and people.

Joshua Morgan, artist, teacher, author, ilustrator (and in no small part artisan pizza chef and entertainer) was a wonderful role model of creativity and an inspiration, and lovely to have among us.

I am finding my determination to keep making progress, to “dal ati”, and to concentrate and also to trust in the immersion opportunities on S4C, on Radio Cymru, in books and the SSiW courses, etc, fully renewed and strengthened. Appetite for Welsh and confidence well raised - three days/nights well spent.

I recommend the Garth Newydd experience!


Diolch yn fawr @longhurstjennifer @lornarhodes am y geiriau caredig

Thank you very much for your kind words :two_hearts:


Next live Welsh Week 21-26 July, one shared female room available
2 bedrooms available for August 18-23!

Take up this opportunity,
You won’t regret it.

Hwyliaith instagram, tic tok
Cymraeg on Facebook


I had a WONDERFUL time at the last Week in Welsh, lovely activities every day, and evening! Saw some interesting places, met great Welsh speakers round and about, great things to do.

However, I was too scaredy cat to try going in a coracle. Someone, I won’t mention any names, Nia!, went in the coracle round and round and round… Others managed to steer it in a straight line.

The other participants were so friendly, several had been on the Welsh Weeks before, for one it was her fourth time - to get repeat bookings like that just shows how good it is.

It really helped my confidence to speak Welsh from dawn to night, and the activities made it a really fun week.

I shall be signing up for another one, I just loved the whole experience.

And Nia. I just loved Nia, everyone does!


Diolch yn fawr iawn @longhurstjennifer . Ti mor garedig…You are so kind :heart:

Please email codihyder@gmail.com to declare interest :wales:🥳

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