A Special Request from me... :)

Croeso to the new forum everyone!

Diolch yn fawr iawn to you all for ‘sticking with us’, for your work in testing various new elements of the new forum and for your constructive feedback - it’s all been a great help! :slight_smile:

I just wanted to ask you kindly to continue to ‘stick with us’ for a little longer and to please be patient with us as we make this transition to the new forum.

As you know, SSiW is a small family run business with a conservative budget. We endeavour every day, including weekends and holidays, to work as hard as we can to use all the spare time, funds and expertise available to us, to not only maintain all elements of SSiW, but to also ensure its growth - which is essential to us.

I can tell you from the horse’s mouth, that Aran is working all hours at the moment doing everything from writing course content to answering queries on the forum. Ifan (Kinetic) is burning the keys on his laptop continuing to build the forum and Iestyn is burning the candle at both ends juggling SSiW and four kids as well as helping Cat with her disability.

We are dedicated to our courses and all our learners, this isn’t just a job for us, this is our life’s work… we live for SSiW! :slight_smile:

Thank you for reading and thank you for your loyalty and dedication… we will get there, together. :slight_smile:

And I can’t tell you how grateful I am for all the hardwork you’re all putting in. The resources you’re building - courses, forum, bootcamp etc - are quite literally changing lives. I can live with a few bumps on the road. But you might want to all make sure that you still find time for sleep, food and family as well… :slight_smile:

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And I second what Steve says. What you are all doing here, and what you have achieved so far, is absolutely amazing. There is no one else out there who are doing as much to promote and protect this beautiful language than you at SSi are, and I am completely grateful to be a part of this amazing project as a learner.
Felly, diolch yn fawr iawn i chi! :smiley:

I just wanted to second everything Steve said. Diolch o’r galon am eich gwaith caled! Dw i’n barod i helpu chi sut bynnag medra’ i.



What you guys are doing is amazing. I love the family feel we have here. It is so unique and special. A few bumps along the way are to be expected. All your hard work is greatly appreciated.

Just starting to return from the Easter holiday break (I don’t get to do much welsh in the school holidays…) and having a look round the new site. Congratulations to all involved on all your hard work!!! It is very exciting to be developing a bespoke platform, which I think will bring the project into a new phase. I think everyone here appreciates the amazing work and commitment behind the whole thing - thank you all again!

It was also very exciting to find the first few “challenges” of the new southern course, which I had the chance to play through this morning. Particular thanks to Iestyn and Cat for managing to make a start on this at such a difficult time.
I did notice a few lesson-building issues with the third one. I’ll try and make a note of them and post them in a more appropriate thread when I have time, if nobody has beaten me to it…

I’d like to echo everything said here, Catrin and add only that it is abundantly clear how much work you’re all putting into this (with little reward, I suspect, beyond the affection you’ve earned and the knowledge of the good you are doing for Welsh and other languages)
Craig referred to the “family feel”. This transition process feels to me a bit like the “family” moving house. That’s always both stressful and fun. :slight_smile:

Hi Catrin :slight_smile: I haven’t been here very long, but even so I can see how much love and dedication you all have for the site, the language and the whole vision of SSIW. It’s very inspiring, and one of the first things that impressed me when I found the site after googling to find out more about SSIW, so not only am I happy to bear with the transition but also rather excited to see how it all develops. Am just very glad to be here! Many thanks to The Fab Four and Ifan.

Hope no-one is getting too stressed behind the scenes…look after yourselves.

Catrin: I just wanted to ask you kindly to continue to ‘stick with us’ for a little longer and to please be patient with us as we make this transition to the new forum.

You are all doing a wonderful job, I know how hard all four of you work, and I love you all for it.

[Ahem - I’d better 'fess up to the rest of you that I certainly don’t work all hours - I just spend a lot of time in our spare room hiding from the kids and pretending I’m too busy to be able to help change nappies or deal with tantrums. Please don’t tell Catrin.]

Huw: This transition process feels to me a bit like the “family” moving house

That’s the best single summary I’ve seen for the whole thing. You’re wrong about the ‘little reward’, though - the love and affection on this forum is beyond price.

I’d like to agree with everything that has been said. You are all amazing and very much appreciated. Please make sure you get some time for yourselves though. That’s very important.
And thanks for this new forum too. I never got to grips with the old one, but this is inviting. Thanks for everything.

I just want to second all of the posts above too. It is clearly evident how hard everyone is working and it is massively appreciated. Disgwyl ymlaen at ddyfodol disglair!

I can’t put words as nicely as others can, so I just say that I agree with all the good words and wishes to the Jones and Dafydd family.
Diolch o galon.

Me too, love the course, being part of the SSIW family and have had the opportunity to increase the family by introducing SSIW to my boss who has already completed Course 1. Keep up the good work, without you there would be lots of people like me who never had the chance to learn Welsh at school but have loved learning our language with you. Well done.

Course we’ll stick with it, why would we not? I think it’s all looking great, the course content is wonderful as ever, the answers are thorough and quick. So where else would we get that? :slight_smile: I think the forum 's coming on really well. It’s obvious tons of hard work and care go into it, so a bit of loyalty isn’t a big ask.

As you were, chaps, don’t panic!!! :slight_smile:

Just popping in to “pile on” to the love fest. Really appreciate all your hard work, you’re making something very special here.

Me too! Of course we are going to stick with you lot!
I am beginning to get the hang of the new forum, and I must say, I really, really like it.
Thank you Aran, Catrin, Iestyn and Cat for your commitment and all the hard work. And to everybody else on the forum for your insights, ideas, jokes, information, musings and general observations, it all looks much better on the new forum. (I was going to add nonsense also, but I thought better of that.)

I’m not going anywhere, so apologies for that in advance… So I say cadwch y ffydd! At least I do if that translates properly…

Ditto everything said already. I take ages to get used to new technical stuff but I keep chipping away and I know there are always people on here that would help me if I get totally stuck. So you’re stuck with me too I’m afraid!! Thank you as always to all, especially Aran, Catrin, Iestyn and Cat and Ifan :slight_smile:

SSIW has been a huge part of my life for the past year. Being able to speak Welsh has given me a whole new appreciation of the importance of culture to enrich my life and has made me happier than perhaps any ‘hobby’ I’ve ever had. I would have never have started the course if I hadn’t popped onto the forum first and discovered that I was joining a lovely family community like this. That’s why I’m so opposed to the idea of registration before viewing. People need to be able to see how much fun we’re all having before they try the course.