A mystery—or shaggy dog story?

What’s going on?

I’ve been asked that many times since I painted this a few months ago, then someone recently said ‘There’s a story here—a mystery.’

That gave me the idea to invite anyone who fancies the challenge to write and/or record a very short story based on this image, OR simply post one sentence for the next person to follow on.


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This is Bronwen, the black Lab, and she is waiting for her owner to return. It’s been a while but she’s not sad for she knows the day will come when they will be reunited.
This is the chair he sat in and where they both used to sit, watch the sun set and put the world to rights.
She’s watching over the chair, checking, making sure everything is as it needs to be ready for his return.


Da iawn, diolch yn fawr!


Any more? Unrhyw mwy?

I. It was snowing hard… Roedd hi’n eira’n galed…