6 month or 6 minutes a day?

I’ve been doing the 6 month course with the 2 30 min exercises every week and am absolutely tearing my hair out with it. I can’t keep up at all, it’s too much info in one go. Would the 6 min option be any better? I’ve seen people say that the 6 min course is too much as well so I’m not sure if it’s worth swapping over

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If you’re finding it’s going too fast, pause for a bit @johanna-williams - I’m not sure if there’s still a pause button in the email (@Deborah-SSi?) - but you’re totally able to slow down, give yourself breathing space and just hang onto the emails, returning to them as you reach the stage they’re at.

As far as speed goes, it very much depends on you; yes, some people find 2 challenges a week too fast for them - fine to slow down. Some find staying with 6 minute speed too slow for them - so work ahead. Totally OK to go at a speed that works for you - it’s your learning journey, and we’re not identikit people!

Have you shared your concerns on the Slack workspace at all, as there’s a great community there too to provide support and encouragement; sharing both joys and struggles really helps. You can actually talk to people via Slack as well - and sometimes that verbal chat is all that is needed to feel recharged and motivated.

Don’t be discouraged - I’ve tagged Deborah in this message, so she will see it and can get back to you. I do hope you soon find the speed that works for you and enjoy - because SSiW doesn’t just bring Welsh into people’s lives, but a fantastic community too.

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Thanks for alerting me @ann-6

Hi @johanna-williams! The first thing is - don’t try to ‘keep up’ with the emails as they come. It’s a suggested schedule, but it’s not imperative that you stick to it. It’s fine to save the emails as they arrive on a Monday, then work through at the speed that suits you. We all have different things going in our lives, so it’s easy to have other commitments or priorities that interfere with the schedule.
The 6 Minutes course is exactly the same, but it gives you 1 challenge a week and takes 12 months. All the material and tasks are identical otherwise. There’s no problem if you want to keep on the 6 Month course, and just do 1 challenge per week, but we can also swap you to the slower pace if you’d rather. Just send an email to admin@saysomethingin.com and we can organise that.
But the main thing is not to get stressed trying to keep up with an artificial schedule. Just work at the pace that suits you, and you’ll become a Welsh speaker all the same.

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Thanks @Deborah-SSi so does the course not expire after the 6months then? If I wanted to halve my speed and do it over a year that would be okay?

No,. it doesn’t expire so you can take longer if you need to. :slight_smile: