6 month course more like 14 month course

First let me say that this is not a criticism of the course. I love the course and have no doubt that if I was able to follow it as written I would be comfortably speaking Welsh by now. However, as happens to many people, life got in the way and I ended up stopping. I was so close to the end. I made it to week 22. That said, I wasn’t doing the listening practices as recommended. I didn’t get my speaking practices in and haven’t recorded my short stories. I have written them though.

My question is how to best go about starting again. I stopped regular sessions in February when I had to flee Italy to Ireland to start a new job before the country shut down. Since then I have sporadically reviewed the material and feel pretty comfortable with level 1. Should I run through level 2 to catch up or are there specific challenges that I should do?

Any input is welcomed.



IF it was me I’d try running through Level 2 again as it was intended - with all the listening and recording exercises. Also try and get involved with the Welsh Speaking Practice on the Slack app.

I’ll be you’ll be surprised how much you remember.


That sounds like a good idea.

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Can you continue to access the 6 month course materials /audio etc after the 6 months have gone or is access removed (unlikely surely? I would really want to revise it all then. Anyone know?

I’m pretty sure if you are paying the £10 a month you get continued access to all three levels, however you are using the challenges. I think I’ve been paying my £10 for well over a year now (and it’s the best £10 a month i think I’ve ever spent!)


Thanks for sharing this, I’ve had the same thing happen to me! Good to hear I’m not alone!

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I also paused the course when I became overwhelmed.

Yeah, I am still paying the £10 a month and I agree it is a good value. I also hope that it is helping the SSiBorg create new languages.

I am sure we are not the only ones.
Here is a useful proverb I have heard - Fall down 7 times and get up 8.

It took me several falls to get conversational in my other language but I kept getting back up. For me it is not a race. Although, I would have liked to finish the course in 6 months it doesn’t bother me that I didn’t. I will be a confident Welsh speaker either this year or the next or even the one after that.

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