5 sentences on automagic & cutting out

Im so sorry to be pestering again, but i am literally having 5 sentences on automagic & its cutting off, so i keep having to reload again. Its been happening on all 3 of my devices. I think automagic is fed up with me​:pleading_face:, i can’t apologise enough for pestering again :pensive:

Please don’t apologise at all! We are here to help and are really sorry that you are having problems with the tech. I’ll try and get somebody to help you asap and I’m sorry that you haven’t received a reply earlier - I was away last week. Thanks for your patience! :slight_smile:

@rich @Kinetic @lewie

Hi Tracey,

We’ve received your message about this on the support email address and are looking into it. We’ll respond to you there :slight_smile: Cheers!


Awww thank you so much😊

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