19th century Welsh ethno-colony in Argentina

Sorry you’re having a challenging time of it, Sibila - hope you’ll manage to find some people you can start to practise with! I wish we had more connections out there to try and help… but we can at least be fairly confident that we’ll have more Level 3 challenges in the not-too-distant future! :slight_smile:


Thanks for your compassion. But as we say in Spanish " no hay mal que por bien no venga " meaning there is a positive side to everything bad that happens to you, at least in the long run.

Among other things I have been a little absent from the forum due to problems at work. They want to close our office - outsourcing - and I might end up without a job. That is why I have been looking for alternatives. One option might be to work as a German translator for excursions in the Area, including the Welsh village of Gaiman.
And I guess a good excursion to this village should not only include the famous tea-tasting, but for Germans who are curious and do not know the Welsh language, a little audio experience would be of added value.
So if everything turns out well, I will have the means of making them talk. At least for the sake of the Tourist experience.

And maybe through that back door I will get to practise my Welsh!!!

I do know the Welsh cultural center that Carmen mentioned. But I have not entered. A couple of weeks ago, they had a big event there. On that day I was with 3 direct descendants from the Mimosa, and they had promised to take me with them. But the sun and the beer were more enticing to them than the Welsh festival.

But I won’t give up. In the meantime I talk Welsh to my stuffed “draig goch”. And I am thinking about getting a Welsh terrier, so he could be the next victim. I guess, if they survive harsh welsh weather, they should be fine in Patagonia! Anybody any experience with Welsh Terriers?


Let us know how this goes - we’re not all that far away from being able to do a few sessions of Welsh through the medium of German, if they’d be helpful for you… :slight_smile:


Sounds like a great idea. I will let you know how things are going!

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