10 Years Later, How Far SSI has Come

Back 10 years ago when I was living in Spain during the summer for university, I made the decision to learn… Welsh. Context needed, my girlfriends (now wife) first language was Welsh and wanted to surprise her. Back in the days of the first course before the third level was even built. I finished this and did the challenges available to become proficient enough to be able to speak Welsh daily with my wife and her family.

10 years on and it only seemed fitting to get back on board the SSI train and start a new language. Now living in Wales it then made sense to do the opposite and learn Spanish (tongue in cheek).

A month in and wanted to post that I am very impressed with the new app. A few times it plays up but 99% of the time it behaves. I do like being able to visualise some of the words as it helps me remember some of them so think this is a great feature if you are a visual learner. Only wish there was a way to go back to the very start to find out the translation for some of the words you can remember in Spanish but not what they mean in English!

As a side question, what do the belt levels actually mean? Are they achieved when you progress so far or just by the time you have spent on the app? I’ve got through to purple white in 3 weeks so I hope there’s still plenty to come!

My brother started learning Spanish and has a streak on dualingo of two years but can’t string much more than a few words together. Despite my many attempts to get him to try this, he will not budge. Perhaps he will when he is surprised (along with my wife) in a year or two when I reveal my Spanish speaking capabilities…

Great work done by your team and wanted to post to show my appreciation for how good this company is once again.



Greg, thank you so much - that’s made me feel quite emotional. It really has been a long old journey - and I’m so grateful for your support over the years. I’ll look forward very much to hearing how much you impress your brother in the not-too-distant future!

The belt levels are really a first stab at showing people they’re progressing - next year, we hope to be able to start to tie them in to at least indicative grades for things like CEFR (the Common European Framework Reference) and stuff like IELTS - but definitely don’t worry about how much content you have left - as they say in dojos, black belt is when you have earned the right to become a serious beginner… :wink:

Thanks for the lovely reply Aran. Its a pleasure to share and support such a great company and cause.

Excellent to hear there is still lots to come. It took a while to stop thinking of the Welsh translations :rofl:


Sorry I didn’t see this before now - I’m getting better at actually taking holidays :wink:

Ah, yes, switching off the ‘now in Welsh’ voice can be a bit of a challenge :joy:

I’m just crossing my fingers and waiting for the moment the new app equips me to say Wnes i gyfarfod rhywun yn y dafarn neithiwr dudodd bod hi’n gweithio efo dy chwaer in Italian. I’m pretty sure I can say it in Spanish, and I know I can say it - but not spell it - in Manx :rofl:


My high water mark with Manx was I want to watch the football at the weekend (which will literally never be true) :slightly_smiling_face:

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