

Hi there folks,

I've been learning Welsh since September 2014. I finished the Foundation Distance Learning course with Lampeter Uni in the summer of 2015 and am currently taking the Intermediate course with them (Jan 2016). I'm about to sign up for the Pellach correspondence course with Bangor Uni too. I have been using SSIW (on lesson 24 of old course - really need to crack on and finish it this weekend to start the New Year with the New course) for speaking practice, Memrise for vocab.

I recently started a Sunday afternoon Skype chats with a fellow intermediate learner. Living in Georgia (the country) there are not an abundance of speaking opportunities. So, I'm very keen to Skype or chat with other learners or native speakers. I speak pretty decent Spanish (having lived in Spain and traveled/worked in Central & South America), as well as Serbo-Croatian, and a bit of Danish and Russian. I'd be happy to exchange Spanish for Welsh! or as I say chat with fellow Welsh learners and speakers. I'm very keen to speak more regularly and have found the Skype chats extremely helpful. I'd encourage anyone to contact me if they would like to chat in Welsh. I find this the best way to learn languages!

Looking forward to being more active in this community :slight_smile: