diolch! Oedd yn braf cwrdd a chi’n . I’ll use my phone next time, see if Zoom works better on there. Gweld ti tro nesa!
Leeds Online Meeting
So it was really interesting to hear about everyone’s learning journey last time - I think we had almost no technology issues too - with a steadily increasing number on the call - so switching to Zoom seems like it was a good move!
Quiz: So this week the Quiz will be done by Emma - as we are all joining - I wonder what difference that will make, hmm - maybe some south Walian questions
Tell us about…
If you want to, this week you can tell us about:
+…the last time I went to Wales…
+…the next time I go to Wales…
…fact or fiction - and only if you want to - remember it’s for fun - no stress allowed
Free for all…
Gossip, show and tell, play a game, anything you like!
Eileen says she has a game - so that sounds interesting!
It’s 12 noon, Saturday - let me know and I’ll send you the link if you want to attend. All welcome!
Yes please
Bore da @emma-ireland!
I’ve sent you a PM.
( If anyone wants me to send them a link let me know…)
Leeds Online Meeting
So it was a bit of a hoot last time - a cool quiz theme and some great contributions - diolch pawb. We experienced the 40 min limit last time and it’s possible it didn’t let everyone reconnect - let’s see how we get on this week - if we are carrying forward this way for a bit I’m very happy to subscribe if that sorts everything out.
Quiz : So this week the Quiz will be done by Carys - as we are all joining - with a ‘geography theme’ apparently - whatever that might mean!
Tell us about…
If you want to, this week you can tell us about:
+…‘what I do’ - either for your job - past or present - or what you enjoy doing …or both as appropriate
…as ever, remember it’s for fun - no stress allowed - and only if you want to
Free for all…
Gossip, show and tell, play a game, anything you like! (Eileen’s game was great wasn’t it?!) I promise not to tell anymore jokes this week
It’s 12 noon, Saturday - let me know and I’ll send you the link if you want to attend. All welcome!
Leeds Online Meeting
So it was great to have Lisa with us for the first time - who did great! - another great quiz - and logging back on after the 40 mins went a bit more smoothly last week. So…hopefully that will not be required this week - but we’ll see!
Quiz : So this week the Quiz will be done by Chrissie as we are all joining - with some sort of ‘music theme’ I think - sounds great - thanks Chrissie
’Eileen’s Activity’ : A mystery event! We ran out of time last week - so it’s top of the bill this week!
Tell us about…
If you want to, this week you can tell us about:
+…‘the best thing that happened to me this week was…’
…Just for fun - no stress allowed.
Free for all…
Gossip, show and tell, play a game, anything you like!..jokes may be permitted it seems
It’s 12 noon, Saturday - let me know and I’ll send you the link if you want to attend. All welcome!
Great, i learned how to say lthe best thing’ today! Great timing look forward to seeing you all x
Wow, destiny - see you on Saturday!
Leeds Online Meeting
So, no 40 mins shenanigans last week!..and considering we were in double figures everything went fairly smoothly didn’t it (famous last words!)?
…and so to this week…
Quiz : So I guess it’s my turn to do the quiz this week - as we are all joining - which will have a theme of ‘places’ - hmm
Tell us about…
If you want to, this week you can tell us about:
+ A day in my life.
…a chance to practice your Welsh…which could be eg. A schedule - waking, sleeping, eating, food, drinks, activities…could mention times of day, or days of week etc
or, a particular day that was good, bad, otherwise…
or…something else, of your choosing!
…Just for fun - no stress allowed.
Free for all…
Gossip, show and tell, play a game, anything you like!
And finally…
…there is a rumour Richard Dau is doing the jokes this week!
It’s 12 noon, Saturday - let me know and I’ll send you the link if you want to attend. All welcome!
Diolch am y cwis Rich. Roedd yn ddiddorol iawn. Rwy’n synnu at ba eiriau rydw i wedi eu cofio o fy ieuenctid a pha eiriau dw i wedi eu hanghofio! Hwyl Chrissie
Roedd rhai cwestiynau yn tipyn bach anodd - o wel - bydd hi’n well y tro nesa! Wnest ti wneud yn dda iawn! Roedd well gyda fi dy cwis caneuon a ddweud y gwir ! Bydd hi’n diddorol i weld cwis Eileen !
Some questions were a bit tricky - ah well - it’ll be better next time! You did really well! I really liked your song quiz! It will be interesting to see Eileen’s quiz!
I didn’t score many points, but I learned lots of new Welsh words I especially liked Pontypridd- i lived there when i was very little and have a whole new view of it now I know what it means
Yes, it’s a funny thing, when I grew up in Wales - not speaking the language really at the time - I was aware of a few meanings of parts of place-names but the rest just became labels that I didn’t think much about…
…weirdly as you learn more Welsh - it’s a bit like a camera being pulled into focus - suddenly you realise that pretty much all of these places names have direct translations which are very descriptive and rather lovely.
It is just one example of how learning the language unlocks and enables you to see another world that has been all around…all of the time!
Pont-y-pridd is a funny one - when I first came across ‘pridd’ as meaning earth or soil - I immediately thought of Pontypridd - it sounding alarming or unlikely!..almost a relief that their used to be a tŷ in there - thank goodness it wasn’t referring to the bridge!
Leeds Online Meeting
Well the 40 mins shenanigans do seem to be behind us which is good news . This week the tension mounts as to whether Helen’s new broadband / WiFi box - delivered yesterday - is going to improve her connection - crossi bysedd!
…and so to this week…
Quiz : So this week Eileen is doing the quiz - which has huge potential - with an, as yet, unstated theme… hmm
Tell us about…
If you want to, this week you can tell us about:
Show and tell!!!
So…anything you want really - bring an object - tell us something about it!
Basically a chance to practice using your Welsh…
…Just for fun - no stress allowed.
Free for all…
Gossip, show and tell, play a game, anything you like!
And finally…
…Richard Dau is doing the jokes again this week!
It’s 12 noon, Saturday - let me know and I’ll send you the link if you want to attend. All welcome!
Online Weekly Zoom
Quiz : So this week Richard-2 is doing the quiz - with a theme of ‘The News In Welsh’… I’m really looking forward to it!
Tell us about…
If you want to, this week you can tell us about:
What I want to do next…
So…could be ‘make a corn beef and cucumber sandwich for my lunch…’…or take a holiday…a career change… become an international superstar perhaps … something to do with learning Welsh maybe?..but whatever it is - tell us what it is, why and a little bit about it
Basically a chance to practice using your Welsh…
…Just for fun - no stress allowed.
Free for all…
Gossip, show and tell, play a game, anything you like! I was asking Helen about that amazing photo of her great, great grandfather from show and tell last week and she has an interesting follow up for us. Maybe Chrissie has her show and tell from last week (my fault
And finally…
…bring a joke - see if you can tell it in Welsh!
It’s 12 noon, Saturday - let me know and I’ll send you the link if you want to attend. All welcome!
Online Weekly Zoom
Quiz : So this week Helen is back in the chair ! - gyda’r cwis am merched Cymraeg
Tell us about…
…is a bit different this week. I have a pot of simple questions (written in English) e.g. Where is your favourite place
Just for fun - no stress
You ask someone the question in Welsh…
…they answer and ask the next question…
…and so on.
If you want a couple of questions sent to you in advance - let me know…
Free for all…
Gossip, show and tell, play a game, anything you like!
And finally…
Bring a joke was fun - let’s do it again! ( tell it in Welsh! )
It’s 12 noon, Saturday. All welcome!
( Let me know if you want to join us and I’ll send you the link)
Online Weekly Zoom
Quiz : So we’ve switched to plan B in advance this week - Chrissie will do the quiz - as having zoomed Helen this week I know she still has her broadband challenges. The quiz will be on Welsh Phrases
Tell us about…
Something that excites you / gives you energy!
And… Something you hate!
Just for fun - no stress
Free for all…
Gossip, show and tell, play a game, tell a joke, anything you like!
It’s 12 noon, Saturday. All welcome!
( Let me know if you want to join us and I’ll send you the link)
Online Weekly Zoom
Tell us about…
So last week we had a right 'ol chat - and didn’t discuss the topic - and there is nothing wrong with that - but let’s pick up whatever it was you were going to say about 'Something that excites you / gives you energy! ’
Just for fun - no stress
Quiz :
Helen has a quiz about Welsh woman - let’s see how the broadband shapes up this week
Free for all…
Gossip, show and tell, play a game, tell a joke, anything you like!
It’s 12 noon, Saturday. All welcome!
( Let me know if you want to join us and I’ll send you the link)
Online Weekly Zoom
So this week we are going ‘all grown up’ - and having a general conversation!
Let’s see how we get on - with people to my knowledge having been out and about and actually done things in the brave new world
…but there should be plenty to tell and to hear about.
Just for fun - no stress
It’s 12 noon, Saturday. All welcome!
( Let me know if you want to join us and I’ll send you the link)
Hi all!
I’m only on lesson 11 of level 1! Would I be a bit lost at the meet-up!?
Cari Llewelyn