Why Welsh? Why SSiW? What's your story?

Welcome to SSiW and welcome to the forum Gareth!

The forum is pretty huge with lots of tips and questions answered, so do have a browse or just jump right in to ask any questions about things that stump you - there’s almost always someone here to help, advise or encourage :smiley:

In my experience, this is one of the nicest, friendliest and most supportive online communities you’re likely to come across! Welcome!

As @siaronjames says, people here will be really happy to help with any questions whether specifically about the course, anything technical to do with the app and/or more generally about Wales and the Welsh language (and Siaron herself is one of the most prolific helpers :slight_smile: )



Ces i fy ngeni yng Nghymru yn wreiddiol a mi ges i fy magu yn Ne Cymru ger y cymoedd.

Symudais i Lyndain mewn dwy fil a chwech, neu ddwy fil a saith.

Dysgais i Gymraeg yn yr ysgol yn amlwg, ond yn anffodus, wi wedi anghofio fy Nghymraeg.

Penderfynais i ddysgu Cymraeg y llynedd eto, a fi’n mwynhau dysgu eto!

Fi’n defnyddio Duolingo a llyfrau i ddysgu.

Wi’n gobeithio y bydda i’n gwella dros amser, ond cawn ni weld!

My Welsh isn’t very good, but I hope that what I’ve said above is correct, grammatically, and that I’m understood and it isn’t too much of a mix of dialects!

Cofion Gorau!



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Dw i’n trio dysgu Cymraeg achos …

I want to keep a connection with North Wales, as I stayed for 2 weeks every summer as a child with my Grandparents and Aunt in Abergele. They were English speakers, but I was always fascinated by Welsh signs and language. At my Aunt’s funeral a few years ago I was asked to read Psalm 23. She wanted the King James version, which I dutifully read. However one of the people there said it would have been nice if I had read it in Welsh. It had never occurred to me that I could actually learn Welsh! It always seemed such an impenetrable language. However, I eventually learned the Welsh version, and that journey brought me here to SSiW.

Rŵan … Mae gen i bobeth dw i angen :slight_smile: