Hello to all,
I need some advice. Have been (very slowly) working my way through the ‘old’ course. Long story but suffice to say I have just reached the end of part 2.
Is it better for me to press ahead with ‘old’ course part three, to try and switch to the ‘new’ course or try one of the other SSIW options?
All advice much appreciated,
Hi there
I worked through the old one some years ago then switched to the new version. I found the latter helped me in saying really useful things such as being a new learner and asking folk to slow down. That said, my learning didn’t really begin to consolidate until I joined the 6 Month Welsh Speaker course. I think that is because you get tasks that make you use Welsh, initially through the forum.
While I was just making my way through the levels I could say a lot of things but was unable to adapt my learning to everyday type conversations. Personally, I would recommend signing up to the 6 month or 6 minutes a day course (I have the memory of a gnat at the moment so can’t remember what it is called), start at the beginning of level 1 and you’ll likely find yourself progressing quickly, especially with the knowledge you’ve already built up from the old course.
Many thanks for your thoughts, I do find that I can get through the lessons (some more easily than others) but when I try to use what I know in conversation my confidence goes completely and I stumble over things I know.
Think therefore that I will continue through old course three while signing up for the 6 minutes a day to try to improve my conversation skills.
Thanks again,
Hi Phil! Well done! There’s a lot more to learning Welsh with SSIW than just doing the challenges… and once you sign up you will have access to the excellent tutor led group video sessions This is where you get to try to use what you know in a “safe” an encouraging environment. Its just what you need to build confidence and to be able to start to participate with confidence in conversations
I can’t encourage people enough to join in these sessions as soon as possible as they are the bit that really turn you in to a Welsh speaker
You miss out on so much if you’re only doing the challenges…