Were you, in the south?

In asking someone if they were doing something, or where you doing something? I would have translated it as:

Awteen ginade rubeth?

But in the second course, vocab unit 8, near the end, (talking about shaking bums) it is translated as:

Othateen ginade rubeth?

Have I misunderstood the second person past tense, non time specific?

Wyt ti’n is time specific - it’s the present…:slight_smile:

Oeddet ti’n is the past continuous…:slight_smile:

So ‘wyt ti’n gwneud rhywbeth?’ is ‘are you doing something?’ in the present, and ‘oeddet ti’n gwneud rhywbeth’ is ‘were you doing something?’ - hope this helps…:slight_smile:

O’t ti’n is a shortening of Oeddet ti’n. So they mean the same thing.You haven’t missed anything, you just have a good ear :slight_smile:

I think that the northern SSIW course in general uses the unabbreviated versions for those – oeddet ti’n rather than o’t ti’n, “oedden ni’n” rather than o’n ni’n – doesn’t it? Iestyn’s a bit more eager to move on in the sentence and uses the shorter versions. :wink:

North uses unabbreviated versions, indeed, Diane. I find that easier actually.

Ah, yes, it was the O’t ti’n as a short form of Oeddet ti’n that I was asking about, rather than 'wyt ti’n. It all makes sense. Diolch.

Looks like I was on a slow day, and allowed a full “oeddet ti” to slip through! It also looks like you have an excellent ear for the Welsh! Da iawn!