Welsh in unusual places

My kids noticed that BBC iPlayer now has a little thing in the top right corner that says “Dangoswch opsiynau Cymraeg”. They looked accusingly in my direction, but I swore blind that iPlayer had done it all on its own, even though we’re in Oxford. As far as I know, that’s true…


I was looking up some things about local candidates in the elections… or etholiadau, apparently. Half the page (but only half) was in Welsh! My mother had the same thing. Refreshed the page, and it was all English. No rhyme or reason that we could tell.
*We’re in West Sussex, so can’t even think why they’d write a Welsh version of the page, let alone get it mixed in with the English.

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Well, I’m in San Diego, CA so, you can imagine that I almost never expect to run into anything Welsh. That hasn’t kept me from hoping, though.
We have a famous city park called Balboa Park where my family and I go frequently to walk and enjoy. We go so often that we are familiar with the various buskars who perform nearly every weekend.
Since I’ve started Welsh, we joke each time we go that this will be the day that we hear some Welsh among the many foreign languages present. Never happens.
My granddaughter and I made the standard joke as we left for the park one day. Walking along, we suddenly heard English but with a very recognizable, musical, Southern Welsh accent. Here’s what we found.


Hi Richard

I am not stalking you, I promise! But…

On a thread last week I think I noticed you posted something that put you at the same age as me (O levels in 1984, something like that…)

And now you’ve just posted something about living in Oxford, which is where I’m from too!

So really just asking - are you from there originally? Might we have crossed paths at some point during misspent youths in the 1980s?

Many apologies if I’ve misremembered/misunderstood anything there!

All best

[Adds As stalked by S4C to all his online bios.]

No, I came to Oxford to do Old English in 1991, so it would need to be mis-spent 90s, I’m afraid.

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Ah, well we just missed each other then (“just” = 4-5 years - perfectly acceptable to someone of my advanced vintage…).

My eldest went to Oxford to study in 2012, and has been there ever since (although shortly to move to Cambridge for a year or so while my daughter-in-law finishes her training there for the ministry). It’s that kind of place!

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