This Thursday Evening in Caernarfon!
This is a lovely thread! It’s nice to see all the things that’re happening for/including Welsh learners at Christmas. Wish I’d been able to go to the concert at Trawsfynydd, which I’m sure was magical, but sadly it’s at the opposite end of the country.
Has anyone heard of any events happening in and around Swansea? (Apart from people getting drunk in Wind Street. )
I don’t know about Christmas events, but there’s a fantastic concert on tonight - 8 December!
Thank you! I think I’ll probably go. : )
ETA: Just bought my ticket!
Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! Having started SSiW in mid-September, I’ve nearly completed Level 2 and am really enjoying the learning process. I’ve therefore knocked together this little card to say a big thank you to everyone on the SSiW Team for your unfailing patience, good humour and hard work. I wish both you and all fellow SSiW learners a peaceful Christmas and a very healthy, happy and successful 2023. Fingers crossed, this time time next year I’ll be able to say all of the above in Welsh.
Like it!
Diolch 👍🏻
In case anyone was planning to go -
GOHIRIO! Oherwydd amodau’r tywydd a’r amodau dan draed, mae noson Nadolig y Cymry wedi’i gohorio tan fis Ionawr! Byddwn yn cysylltu’n uniongyrchol â phawb sydd wedi archebu tocynnau arlein. Byddwn yn cyhoeddi dyddiad newydd cyn gynted ag y bo modd. Ymddiheuriadau mawr am yr anghyfleustra, roeddem wedi edrych ymlaen yn fawr at y noson hon.
POSTPONED! Due to to weather and ground conditions, tonight’s Nadolig y Cymry event at Yr Ysgwrn has been postponed until January! We will contact those who have purchased online tickets directly. A new date will be announced as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience, we were so looking forwards to the event.
Christmas Event in Southeast Pennsylvania, USA
On Sunday afternoon, Dec. 18, a service of Lessons and Carols will be held at the Capel Cymraeg Rehoboth at 2:30 PM. The Rehoboth Welsh Chapel is located at 1029 Atom Rd, Delta, PA. On the map, it’s in the southwest corner of York County. Cor Cyraeg Rehoboth, our resident Welsh choir, will lead with some of the special music, such as Tywysog Hedd, Mae’n Wir, amd leading the congregation in a verse of O! Deuwch Ffyddloniaid. If you are on the central area of the east coast of the USA, we would love to welcome you. We also have an invitation for you to join our choir. We currently have members from Maryland, Pennsylvania. In the recent past, we have also had members from Delaware, D.C., and New Jersey. A Te Bach will follow the service, giving folks more time to socialize and become more familiar with our historic Welsh Chapel.
A photo of the chapel can be found at: File:Delta PA HD Rehoboth Welsh Chapel.JPG - Wikimedia Commons
A bit of our history is set out on the page: Rehoboth Welsh Church, Delta, Pa. - This Old Church on although the map on that page is showing a different church right across the street from ours!
For more information, contact SSIW member
Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd! Merry Christmas!
Hi. I’m a beginner and was wondering if there are any language tips for how to pronounce Christmas greetings in Welsh. Would love Aaron to have done a standalone “Christmas/festive season greetings” tutorial or maybe there is one somewhere?