UPDATED: Trosiad Helpu (Transcript Help)

Helo pawb!
I’ve been listening to a lot of Beti a’i Phobol and trying to look up all the words I don’t know, and/or going through Welsh grammar books to fill in blanks in my knowledge.

Aran suggested that I transcribe what I’m hearing instead, and post my transcriptions to the forum…warts and all…for help. I’m going to follow that advice, starting with this post.

I’ll break the transcriptions into chunks as best I can based on topic change. Words I couldn’t figure out are followed by a (?) or a (?word) for spelling guesses, until I figure out markdown basics.

Hopefully this is okay, and those here don’t mind helping. Here goes!

Transcript One
Merch o flaen dilys yn wreiddiol, ysgol gyfyn enwog, cystal a fera, coleg mae’n cynion estwdio meddygaeth, person Awstralia wedyn i weithio fel meddyg achal i swyno gan wledidd fel indonesia vietnam ar i ffordd hydref. Priodi ar ddy(?) mas i gana i fyw Achal profiad beth cofio doi yn gweithio ar project (?prosiect) yn ymneud(?) a mam a beichio gafflant(?). Nol i Cymry er mwyn i aron(?) ac elys(?) gal mi cwredd(?) Cymraeg. Fel roedd hi di gael ynghwm(?yng hwn) dilys. Croeso canys iawn Lisa Hurt

Any chance you could do a sound clip to go with this? It’s all a bit of a shot in the dark otherwise!

But my first set of guesses:

Merch o Flaendulais yn wreiddiol, ysgol gyfun enwog Ystalyfera, coleg Manceinion estudio meddygaeth, […Perth yn?..] Awstralia wedyn i weithio fel meddyg a chael ei swyno gan wledydd fel Indonesia a Vietnam ar ei ffordd adref. Priodi […?..] mas i Ghana i fyw a chael profiad bythgofiadwy yn gweithio ar brosiect yn ymwneud â mamau beichiog a phlant. Nôl i Gymru er mwyn i Aron ac Elis gael magwraeth Cymraeg, fel roedd hi 'di cael yng Nghwm Dulais. Croeso cynnes iawn, Lisa Hurt…


Awesome linguistic detective work Aran :slight_smile: :star: I was intrigued enough to go and find the recording in question and sounds like you guessed it all spot on. The missing bit is “…Priodi, a’r ddau yn mynd mas…”

(Oh, and there was an i in coleg Manceinion i astudio…)

Whoops…completely forgot the podcast links. For future reference, here’s the one you want if you’d like to download: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/cymru/betigeorge/betigeorge_20130509-1900a.mp3

And here’s the one for streaming: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p018tlh7

Here’s the rhan nesaf o’r trosiad…

Beti: I ni’n siarad achos wrth cwrs ych maes(?) chi y di epidemioleg(?) yn de. O wehan(?mae han) oedd hi weud. A felly i ni’n siarad aar adeg y(?) eitha diddorol yn dw’e(?) gyda’r achos sïon(?) mae o frech goch yn Abertawe.
Lisa: A dyn wir, a dyn adeg eitha trist mewn gwirionedd a um. A cyd fynd(?) gyda ni yn yr ysgol ble wi’n gweithio yn dathlu dy(?) canmlwyddiant gen e (?cen e) dy geth(?) y nor(?i’n or) epidemioleg gwir cyntaf, sef sïon snow (?John Snow) yn Llundai
Beti: Cyn bod chi mynd ymlaen, pa ysgolion ar?
Lisa: Well London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, dwi’n meddwl bod chi’n gallu galofen (?galon fe’n) ysgol hlendid(?) am a ddygydd (?) trofannol Llundain o lle y cymraeg?
Beti: (interspersed) Oedd gwedo’chi (?)
Lisa: Yea, mil (?) Jon Snow (?sïon snow) yn gweithio yn Llundain mi oedd’n feddyg oedd uh, oedd wedi gwneud lot (?) o pethau gwahanol wnaeth e roi anesthetig uh, am a tro cyntaf frenhines Victoria yn ystod dwy dwi’n credu oy (?) llyfr i…

Here you go! The question marks are where they’re talking over one another and I can’t make it out - perhaps I’ll have more luck later with headphones (listening through iPad speakers at the moment :))

Y’n ni’n siarad achos wrth gwrs eich maes chi ydi… epidemioleg, ynde.
(?) Anodd i weud! A felly ni’n siarad ar adeg eithaf diddorol, on’d yw e, gyda’r achosion 'ma o’r frech goch yn Abertawe.

Ydyn wir, ydyn! Adeg eithaf trist mewn gwirionedd. A, ym… Yn cyd-fynd gyda ni yn yr ysgol ble wi’n gweithio yn dathlu dauganmlwyddiant genedigaeth un o’r epidemiolegwyr cyntaf, sef John Snow, yn Llundain…

Cyn bod chi’n mynd 'mlân, pa ysgol yw hon, nawr?

Wel, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, wi’n meddwl bod chi’n gallu galw fe’n Ysgol Hylendid a Meddygaeth Trofannol Llundain, falle, yn Gymraeg?

(?) dwedwch chi…

Ie, a mi oedd John Snow yn gweithio yn Llundain, mi oedd e’n feddyg oedd wedi gwneud lot o bethau gwahanol. Wnaeth e roi anesthetig am y tro cyntaf i frenhines Fictoria, yn ystod dou, wi’n credu, o’i llafuri… o’i… pan oedd ei babanod hi’n cael eu geni. A fe wnaeth y gwaith ymchwil am cholera…

…which brings us back to the bit about cholera which has already been done.

That bit at the end is interesting, because it sounds like she was starting to use the word llafur for “labour”, which as far as I know isn’t the correct word for labour in this context (should be esgor apparently, though I admit I had to look that up). Then she hesitates, seemingly over the plural ending - llafuri…aid? - which seems to tip off her brain that something’s wrong, at which point she abandons the word and goes for a circumlocution instead (“when her babies were being born”). Which I think is a fun insight into the linguistic inner workings of the mind - plus further proof that even native speakers don’t always get everything right! :wink:

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Kinetic!

One small question…Beth yw wi’n…I can’t find it in any of the Welsh dictionaries i use…

EDIT: Argh…never mind. Realized what it was as soon as i typed it.

@Kinetic: Another speculative question before posting the next trosiad; you mentioned that she started to use the word llafur before realizing she needed the birth-related labour. Wouldn’t a native speaker know the correct word right away? Is the brief confusion possibly due to bilingualism?

Yma y trosiad nesaf. NOTE: I noted the phrases i’m uncertain about as so: (questionable phrase?)

Yn hytrach na beth oedd’n cael i credu ar a prid (?) taw mi asmanu (?) a wir ddwg (?) felly mae hi’n anhygoel mewn gwirionedd bod ni (?allu efallai fa fel) sudd (?) yn fuan Abertawe ar a foment (?) ac ar a un(?) prid (?) yn dathlu dau canmlwyddiant genedigaeth rhywun wnaeth gymaint (?). I dysgu i’ni (?) am a (fech a don?) heintus (?) a beth allon’i (?) gwneud i ysgoi (?) a (fech a don?) heintus
Beti: A beth (wedyn te?) mar (?) epidemioleg (?) gwel (?) mae gwneud nawr? Achos unwaith bod yr frech goch (?) unwaith bod yr achos cyntaf wal (?) beth ollen (?) Yw gwneud?

This is my take on it- it may be something like this! but don’t trust anything I write! And hopefully someone who is much more comfortable with Welsh than me will be on to confirm/correct anything.

yn hytrach na beth oedd yn cael ei gredu ar y pryd taw ‘miasma’ neu ‘awyr ddrwg’- felly mae’n anyhygoel, mewn gwirionedd, bod ni â sefyllfa fel sydd ynddi yn Abertawe ar y foment ac ar yr un pryd yn dathlu dou ganmlwyddiant genedigaeth rhywun wnaeth gymaint i ddysgu i ni am afiechydon heintus, a beth allwn ni neud i osgoi afiechydon heintus.

Be ti- Ond be, wedyn te, mae’r epidemiolegwyr 'ma neud nawr? Achos unwaith bod y Frech Goch… unwaith bod yr achos cyntaf , wel beth allen nhw neud?

Is that right then? Was a bit thrown by “bod ni â sefyllfa fel sydd ynddi yn Abertawe” and “wedyn te” [wedi 'nte? Wedyn 'te? Dim syniad o gwbl!], so would really appreciate input myself. And the verb endings on “allwn” and “allen”.

That looks excellent, Ow…:seren:

Thanks, Aran! Nice to be sure.

Unwaith eto, diolch yn fawr iawn i chi.

On a side note…I’m having a harder time translating the corrected transcripts back to English than I am transcribing the spoken Welsh. Not because my transcription is any good but because the only easily accessible online translation service I can find is Google Translate…which is not so good.

I’m having a harder time translating the corrected transcripts back to English

Stick the bits up on here that you’re stuck on, and we’ll help out…:smile:

Cyd, don’t know if you know this, but there are three books of Beti a’i Phobol that each contain ten interviews from her radio show. They are currently £1 each and are available here: vol1, vol2, vol3. Unfortunately, it’s only vol3 that lists the interviewees (although vol2 has pics on the cover!). Thought they may be useful to you if they correlate with what’s available on the Radio Cymru site.

Wow, @Jon Thomas…I just saw this and thanks!

And Aran, I’ll definitely post the translations I can’t find…thanks to you too!

Dyma trosiad nesaf…this time with markdown (italig for brawddegau sy’n gwbod)

Lisa: Wel, yn prif swyddog geith ni’n geffridinol yw i edrych am tystiolaeth ac i edrych a’r tystiolaeth. Felly i’ni’n rhifo pethau yn y poblogeidd i’ni’n rhifo marwolaethiau, i ni’n rhifo a fech a don a wedyn yn edrych i gweld ble mae cysylltiadau rhyng gwahanol ffactorau a’r achosion yma o heintiau neu marwolaethau ac wedyn i ni’n trio casglu gwybodaeth at mae gid atai gilydd, eh, o gwahanol heffaith i…i trio gwneud penderfyniadau ac i helpu meddygoniach cahoiddis i alli gweithio tiriogaeth lleu hi neu lleddfu a fech a don
Beti: Wrth cwrs brech i mae no gwneud undafe o fedd a gon

‘Wel, ein prif swyddogaeth ni’n gyffredinol yw i edrych am dystiolaeth ac i edrych ar y tystiolaeth. Felly yn ni’n rhifo pethau yn y boblogaeth - yn ni’n rhifo marwolaethau, yn ni’n rhifo afiechydon ac wedyn yn edrych i weld ble mae cysylltiadau rhwng gwahanol ffactorau a’r achosion yma o heintiau neu farwolaethau ac wedyn yn ni’n trio casglu gwybodaeth yma i gyd at ei gilydd… [can’t get the next bit without hearing it]… i helpu meddygon iechyd cyhoeddus i allug weithio [??]… lleddfu afiechydon.’

That’s my best shot…:smile:

Just listened - here’s the missing bits from Aran’s guess:

…o wahanol lefydd, i drio gwneud penderfyniadau ac i helpu meddygon iechyd cyhoeddus i allu gweithio tuag at lleihau neu lleddfu afiechydon…

And Beti’s bit at the end:

Wrth gwrs brechu maen nhw’n neud, yndefe, y meddygon?

(Sharp grammatical-type observers may notice that there’s a couple of missed mutations (lleihau and lleddfu should have been soft-mutated there, I reckon) - further proof that you don’t need to get 100% of your mutations right, because native speakers do it too :))