'Unofficial' Eisteddfod SSiW gathering

Just booked my tent space on the Maes Carafanau. I’ll be there all week :slight_smile:

I’ll be on the Maes Mon-Fri. Methu aros.

Da iawn, Yesterday I passed through Dinbych, you would not believe how last year’s Maes looks now! Looking forward to meeting people Maes D Wednesday 2pm and most of the day Thursday…definitely ‘dim Saesneg’ Hwyl!

There’s two of us definitely coming from Barry on the Thursday, hoping to meet up.

I’m arriving in London 8/1 and would like to get to the Eisteddfod 8/1 or 8/2. Any way to meet up for a ride? I can certainly meet you in an in-betweener locatation! Will be staying in Aberystwyth for two weeks after that and possibilities to get over to Llanelli from Aber may work…


11 days to go …

I’m volunteering in Maes D on Sat/Sun of the first weekend, and again on the final Saturday.
I will also be along for the social gathering on Thursday night, though I’m working in Cardiff that day so not sure what time I’ll get there. I’ll leave my car at Llanelli station though and go to Cardiff by train so I won’t have to drive along the M4 at that time of night. I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone!

Meddwl am hwn… @ Gruntius 11 days to go…
there was an elaborate countdown clock set up here in Leeds ticking away the hours to the Tour de France ‘Depart’…might be good for something similar to appear on the margins of this site, marking the months, weeks and days to next year’s Eisteddfod, or the annual get-together in Aber or whatever. Shouldn’t be that difficult to design, make a brilliant project for someone studying for IT ‘A’ Level, or whatever the equivalent is. Meddwl cyfiawn.

Eisteddfod pocket programme is out: http://www.eisteddfod.org.uk/uploads/publications/1386.pdf

Lots going on on the performance stage on Thursday evening, including Sŵnami at 6:30 and yr Eira at 8:30. And if you prefer something a bit more, erm, Dafydd Iwan-wy, Dafydd Iwan is perfforming at Maes D at 4:45 (he does this annually - it’s the highlight of the Eisteddfod for some people).

Diolch yn fawr iawn for that, Rob. Very helpful. :slight_smile:

+1 for Dafydd Iwan - I really enjoyed listening to him last year. Perhaps his gig could be our meetup point/time?


Have a great time and a fabulous social gathering! :smiley:

Carolynne and I are hoping to be there at Dafydd Iwan time. Also hoping to meet up with more of you during the day around Maes D. I’ve only been to the National once before, and often saw queues and wondered whether you needed to buy a ticket for whatever it was. Is there an easy way to tell what’s hot and what’s not on Thursday? Last time we paid for good seats for the coroni earlier in the week but the pink pavilion wasn’t oversubscribed and we could have got in without.

I like Stu’s idea of meeting up for/immediately after Dafydd Iwan’s gig in Maes D. We could identify each other by the simple expedient of having SSIW shaved into our chest hair and making the mating call of a Thompson’s Gazelle. As long as the security guys are forewarned, there shouldn’t be any need for alarm or panic amongst the other guests and we will be able to siarad at out leisure.
Of course, the female SSIWers may prefer not to interfere with their chest hair, but will soon be able to identify the men and cluster towards them yn awyddus.
Syniad da?

Well, I have just remembered I promised to hunt around for my SSIW Eisteddfod T-shirt, so that will be wrapped around me somewhere. Don’t know what a Thompson’s Gazelle sounds like, but I do a good screech owl when I go over the top of my trainers in mud. Will that do?

There is a SSIW banner in maes D. Easily to see and no need to find the razor… Dafydd Iwan starts at 4.45 and is usually popular so arrive early! For those who don’t wish to see Dafydd I would suggest 5.30. For info the food stalls and main stage are at the other end of the maes to maes D

Arianrhod, an interesting suggestion but I think if you make owl screeching noises and I am braying like a rutting Thomson’s gazelle, people may think we are a bit odd, or at the very least it may put Dafydd Iwan off his stride; surely nothing could be worse than him launching earnestly into yma o hyd with a bunch of people making assorted animal noises in the background. At least if we stick to a single animal there will be some semblance of uniformity about it.
But, don’t get me wrong, I am not fixated on the Thompson’s. A walrus grunt or the shriek of a startled caribou could work equally well in a crowded, confined space.

Arianrhod, an interesting suggestion but I think if you make owl screeching noises and I am braying like a rutting Thomson’s gazelle, people may think we are a bit odd, or at the very least it may put Dafydd Iwan off his stride; surely nothing could be worse than him launching earnestly into yma o hyd with a bunch of people making assorted animal noises in the background. At least if we stick to a single animal there will be some semblance of uniformity about it.
But, don’t get me wrong, I am not fixated on the Thompson’s. A walrus grunt or the shriek of a startled caribou could work equally well in a crowded, confined space.

The SSIW Eisteddfod T shirt on its own is enormous enough to make me stand out from the crowd, without us drawing attention to ourselves!

@SJ - Thanks for that info, I guess I’ll meet you by the SSiW banner at about 17:30 then. All that’s left to decide is a decent place to converge with food for a good natter (maybe undercover if the weather turns a bit Welsh). Also, please feel free to stop me during the day, I’m the one with the beard. Unfortunately I’m also the one with a really bad memory for names and faces so please don’t be offended by my blank expression when you greet me. :wink: