To eat

In the challenges ‘to eat’ always seems to sounds like ‘bitta’. Is this some kind of South Wales thing? I was always taught bwyta and I’ve never heard ‘bitta’ anywhere apart from here.

That’s the word. Bwyta…

I hear bwyta pronounced bitta up here in the North too. There are some dialects that pronounce bwyta as it’s spelt and some that pronounce it like bitta - just use whichever you feel comfortable with.


But it always seems to pronounced like ‘boyta’ everywhere else which made me think it might be something different.

Apologies, that was a reply before Siaron posted. Must have hit send at about the same time.

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bitta / bweeta / boyta. Just as in most other languages including English, pronunciation varies considerably as you move around. *(Try ordering du peng, du veng and du Bourseng in Paris (pain/vin/Boursin) :slight_smile: ) *
My wife and I can’t even agree on the pronunciation of “bus”, “grass” or “bath” in English :laughing:

It’s “bitta” in the parts of Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire I’m familiar with.


Hmm, I supposed you do hear a bus called a buzz in Birmingham for example.


Ah yes. We were asked to take part in another survey at Ty Tawe last Saturday. This time it was about Cymraeg and health (I think). I say that because I was getting life and food mixed up :grin:

Up north you’ll hear boo-ee-ta/but-ta/bit-ta and a version with emphasis on the first vowel sound which sounds like the Welsh ‘u’ - buta. :blush:


Oh gosh, I have that problem too. :slight_smile:

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Keep meaning to ask about variations on “hwyl”. On Rownd a Rownd, I hear it as “hoo-eel”, but in southern speakers and more generally, it’s more like “hoyl”.

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