Tiny questions with quick answers - continuing thread

Working Welsh is exactly the same height and width as my blue Modern Welsh

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That’s a wonderful picture Siaron - you could use it for your cardiau Nadolig this year, couldn’t you? :slight_smile:


As could you Gareth! :joy:


Yes—I am loving the lively dollops of humour and horror—not like any other grammar book I have read! It certainly captivates this reader :+1:


And THAT is the sense of humour that comes through in Working Welsh and makes it such an enjoyable read!


Thank you @garethrking

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:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

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Well might you open your mouth in amazement, Gisella.

I’m sure it’s delight rather than amazement :smile:

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You can definitely come again, Deborah. :+1:

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I realize I might not be aware of all the subtle nuances of English words. :thinking:
So can we make delighted amazement? :grin:


You certainly can with my books, Gisella - it’s actually a rather common response, I’m told…


This is a question based on challenge 5 of unit 1. It’s about the word ‘stopio’ and whether ‘peidio’ can be used in exactly the same way.

For example:

Dw i ddim yn moyn stopio siarad Cymraeg.

If this were worded thusly:

Dw i ddim yn moyn peidio siarad Cymraeg

Then (a) would this be grammatically correct and (b) would a Welsh speaker in the south find this to be a natural thing to say?

Diolch yn fawr!

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You can use both. There is some overlap but it isn’t a complete overlap. The best way I can describe it is:
Stopio - for all senses of English verb: stop.
Peidio - more like English: desist or don’t as a request or command.


I’ve just re-read the question and I might have missed a bit in my answer.
So, Dwi ddim yn moyn peidio siarad Cymreag, could be taken as: I don’t want to not (start to) speak Welsh.


Little question:

I don’t have the right = does gen i mo’r hawl

But how would I say this with ‘gyda’?

Is it possible to say - does gyda fi mo’r hawl?
Does dim yr hawl gyda fi?

Dyw’r hawl ddim gyda fi?

To me it sounds most natural to say does dim hawl gyda fi, which you may hear shortened to 'sdim hawl 'da fi.
(On the other hand, I’d probably leave out the article in the northern version as well: Does gen i ddim hawl, but more than likely you’d hear that sentence shortened to 's’gen i’m hawl)


Hi, nothing to say except WOW,
it helps a lot this kind of discussion


Following on from ‘mae gen i’, are ‘oedd gen i’ and ‘bydd gen i’, normal constructions for ‘I had’ and ‘I will have’?

And the other conjugations?