Tiny questions with quick answers - continuing thread

Well I don’t know if it’s officially a ‘thing’, but it certainly exists! :joy:


I live in the USA and from now on when I make a mistake trying to speak Welsh I will just say it is a case of “colloquial flexibility”. What a relieve to be able to finally justify my “Yankee Welsh”. Ha ha.


I have been ploughing my way through the old course after completing the new. Something that I heard (northern, level 1, Vocab) made me question something that I always say to my son. In the morning I would say “Amser i fynd” and “barod i fynd”. I’m sure the course said “Amser mynd” - so no “i”. Should I be saying Amser mynd and barod mynd? I always seem to struggle with when to put an “i” in the sentence and have always been a bit hit and miss with it in the challenges but carried on - peid a poeni as they say :slightly_smiling_face:

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First post on here, might I say what a brilliant platform too :grin:

What I’m a little confused about is how the word bod is used in challenge 4, if I wanted to say “I think that I need to learn welsh” does bod become bo or does it stay as bod, there’s an “I” already after bod though it sounds as if the narrators are saying “Bo” which is why I’m slightly baffled.

E.g. Dw i’n meddwl bod eisiau i fi cymraeg or Dw i’n meddwl bo eisiau i fi cymraeg.
It also seems as if this is the case with o’n i’n trio dweud bo rhaid i fi fynd nawr (I was trying to say that I must go now)

Probably just a misunderstanding, I’m aware you wouldn’t use bo 'fi since the sentence would then be “I think that I I need to learn welsh” though I’m confused as to how “bod” changes due to the sentence structure (I’m learning south welsh dialect if this helps any).


The i is used before a verbnoun to imply purpose - sometimes it helps to think “in order to” and if the sentence makes sense when you say that, use an i, if not, don’t use an i
e.g. Time to go > time in order to go - doesn’t make sense (no purpose) so no i = amser mynd
Ready to go > ready in order to go - makes sense (there is a purpose) so put an i in = barod i fynd

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It doesn’t really matter in speech whether you put the d on or not here - bo is a colloquial way of saying bod, so don’t worry too much about it and go with what gets to your tongue first.

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Thanks @siaronjames that makes sense. Hopefully I will be able to get that “i” in the right place in future :grinning:

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Diolch! Dw i’n trio cofio about colloquial changes so this is really helpful :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is the word “Bre” (Hill or up) ever used in speech, or does it only survive in place names.?

Same question for Bray/Brae in English/Scots if anyone knows

After reading the transcripts on challenge 5 and also on some of the other challenges, “eisiau i fi” is sometimes written as “isie i fi”, what causes the change? I always assumed this was a typo but what is the reason for eisiau changing into isie? (I’m practising south whalian)

Examples: “Ond ma dal isie i fi wella” “Ond ma isie i fi feddwl”

isie is just the phonetic colloquial version of eisiau - it gets written phonetically like that in informal use, so the transcripts are just getting you used to variations you’ll come across.


Because Welsh spelling is more phonetic than English spelling, you will see variations, especially if it’s a transcript. The spelling is pretty much standardised for formal Welsh, but in informal situations, you’ll see spellings vary depending on the dialect of the person writing. As well as “isie” you will also see “isio” because that’s how it’s pronounced in the north.

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Shwmae Bawb

I have recently moved to Caerdydd/ Cardiff and wondering if there are any places to use my Welsh? Ive heard Bubs in Cardiff attracts Welsh speakers to its cafe but are there any community centre/ welsh hubs?

Diolch ymlaen llaw / Thankyou in advance

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Obv there’s Menter Iaith. Not sure about SSiW but it will be in the section of the forum for meet ups. There is a large group for all types of learners called Clonc yn y Cwtsh. They meet in the Chapter Arts Centre and also have Covid aware picnic meet ups. They have a WhatsApp group. Also not far away are these centres: Cafe Soar in Merthyr and Tŷ Tawe in Swansea.


I’m writing something and I’m looking for a good word for “humbling” in the sense that I had “a humbling experience”… Would it be “profiad gostyngedig” ? :slight_smile:


Sounds good. I’m not sure if you need “yn” between the two words to differentiate from “humble experience”.

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Sorry if this hijacks your question, it’s prompted a question about English from me. I’ve never really understood what a gerund is but trying to find an answer to your question about humbling through up the word gerund.

Is this a gerund in English? an -ing word acting as an adjective?

Which I guess loops back to the Welsh, do we have a similar situation in Welsh? Can you have a profiad gostyngedig in the same way you can have a humbling experience? Or do we need to flesh out the sentence a bit in Welsh to achieve the same end?


One thing about learning Welsh is that it has made me learn more about English.
Unlike Welsh, English doesn’t have verb nouns
It seems that “Humbling” can be a gerund (The experience was humbling) -here it is a noun derived from a verb - a gerund.

However, in this topic, it is an adjective - with exactly the same spelling as the gerund :frowning: but not a gerund. A humbling experience.

Even worse - It can also be a present participle (verb form) again with the same spelling; He is humbling me.

I think I’ll stick to Welsh - it’s easier :rofl:



Profiad darostyngol - Humbling experience

Is usable

-ol = adjective ending

edig ending = “ed” in English


I think Brynle is right - GPC gives darostyngol as humbling (among other things!)