Tiny questions with quick answers - continuing thread

Diolch yn fawr.

I know that cynnau is also used to mean ‘light a fire’

You’ll also hear troi ymlaen / troi i ffwrdd.

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Is the difference between rhagor and mwy that although they both mean ‘more’ - rhagor only comes at the end of the sentence - AND also Rhagor can be used to mean “anymore” aswell
Dydy o ddim yn byw yma (‘unrhyw’) rhagor

Or is it much more nuanced?

Based on what I’m seeing in my dictionary, both rhagor and mwy can be placed within a sentence or at the end. Both can be used as quantity expressions with “o” - for example mwy o goffi or rhagor o goffi.

It looks, to me like the basic difference is that rhagor is almost always a quantity expression - such as “more coffee” or “more donuts” - while mwy has more varied meanings of “more.” Mwy can be used instead of the “-ach” ending to make a comparative - such as “more confident” or “more beautiful.” It can also be used as an adjective to mean “bigger” - as in “a bigger room” - stafell fwy.

The dictionary also comments that rhagor has the connotation of “extra” or “in addition.”


Yes, all that is broadly true and you have summed it up well, sionned. The distinction is a bit fuzzier from time to time, however, because you DO sometimes hear rhagor in non-quantity senses, particularly in the sense of ‘any more’ - dan ni ddim yn eu gweld nhw rhagor ‘we don’t see them any more’.


i have just spent all afternoon making Damson jam - but what would that be in Welsh ?

i have just spent all afternoon making Damson jam - but what would that be in Welsh ?

Blasus? :wink:


Indeed yum! My dictionary says that damsons are eirin duon and that jam is cyffaith (or jam) so probably something like cyffaith eirin duon?


Thanks. I had found the damsons but only came up with Jam online instead of cyffaith. It does have a lovely taste but I forget from year to year the difficulty of dealing with all those stones!

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I’d expect to hear ‘jam eirin duon’ - can’t remember off-hand the last time I heard someone say cyffaith…

I love damsons, but those stones… Almost broke my hand blender making damson ice cream last year and missing a stone!

Now I’ll have to search the net to cope with what you’re talking about at all. “Stones???” Hmmm … this sounds interesting …

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Damsons are a bit like a small tart plum, dark in colour and so delicious! I feel like they’re quite a British fruit but not sure why. They grow on trees in hedgerows in parts of the country :smile: I still have a bottle of homemade damson gin leftover from last Christmas :wine_glass:


Damsons are, I think, indigenous to Britain. Certainly they grow wild. They were wonderful during the war as a treat!! But they definitely need to be sweetened by cooking before eating!!


It’s the seed. Also called a pit.

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Ah thank you for clearig unknown horizons for me.

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Hopefully this is a tiny question with a quick answer and not a can of worms. I have to go to work tomorrow: Mae’n rhaid i fi fynd i’r swyddfa yfory. How do I form the negative, as in “I don’t have to go to work tomorrow”?

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I do the Northern course and I’d say:
Does dim rhaid i mi fynd i’r swyddfa yfory.


Doing south I’d probably switch from mi to fi all the rest all the same. (To be honest, I didn’t dare to post first because I’m the least relevant here to teach anybody anything Cymraeg related (if it isn’t really easy stuff).) :slight_smile:


I am doing south, so “fi” sounds more familiar than “mi”. “Does dim” is the piece I was missing. Diolch, Brigitte a Tatjana!