The Saturday at Noon (UK time), Zoom!

Sat 20th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


Chrissie is in the chair this week! :dancer::tada: Same link as usual.

  • How has Covid impacted on your life?.. both the good things and the bad things

If there’s time…

  • Last week- next week: What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Sat 27th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


  • My Welsh: The thing that is causing me trouble, I can never remember, or can’t get right! :grin:

  • We did this quite a while ago, so it would be really interesting to know - if you answered this before - have things moved on? there something new (or not)? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

If there’s time…

  • Last week- next week: What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Hi Rich,

I would love to join your Saturday zoom noon if possible.

Thank you.

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Hi @Ariana

I will send you the meeting link via Private Message now - let me know if you’ve got it (or not!)

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 11th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


This week:

  • What was your best night ever? :thinking:…and…

  • How would you describe yourself in three words? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

(…we are answering some great questions from BBC Cymru Fyw’s ‘Answer the call’ challenge’ - Ateb y Galw - which is passed from person to person on the website.)

If there’s time…

  • Last week- next week: What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Sat 11th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


This week:

  • What was your best night ever? :thinking:…and…

  • How would you describe yourself in three words? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

(…we are answering some great questions from BBC Cymru Fyw’s ‘Answer the call’ challenge’ - Ateb y Galw - which is passed from person to person on the website.)

If there’s time…

  • Last week- next week: What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:


Sat 18th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


This week:

  • What is your favourite place in Wales and why? :thinking:…and…

  • Secret Santa :santa: - think about Secret Santa gifts - we’ll create Secret Santa pairs at the start - and come back to it later :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

(…we are still answering some great questions from BBC Cymru Fyw’s ‘Answer the call’ challenge’ - Ateb y Galw - which is passed from person to person on the website.)

If there’s time…

  • Last week- next week: What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Prynhawn Da , Andrew Dw I , Can I please have the link for the Saturday zoom sessions if they are still ongoing ? Diolch


Hi @Mintymurray

Of course! I’ll send you the link - which is good for every week - in a Direct Message. Let me know if you’ve got it - or not!

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 1st at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


This week:

  • What are your new year resolutions?..or things you’d like to happen or achieve in 2022? …and…

Last week/ Next week…

  • How did Xmas go in the end - to plan?
  • What’s next / what’s happening with you?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Hi @rich, could I join tomorrow? Probably just listening this time though! Diolch

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:+1: wrth gwrs! I’ll send you the link via Private Message now - let me know if you have it or not.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi is the saturday zoom still happening? Id like to join if it is.

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Hi @kiara-dixey

Yes it is - I’ll send you you the link as a private message.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much for organising this @rich - it was lovely to meet up with you all.
=> I’m resolving to make the Zoom sessions more often :slight_smile:

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Thanks very much for organising @rich - I really enjoyed it

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Thankyou @ann-6 and @guym. We are very lucky that we have a lovely group of people - which is reflective of the SSIW community, Welsh learners and speakers in general I think - which means that the ‘zoom at Noon’ always seems a bit of a laugh! Ie very easy to organise

It is amazing the number of people who regularly join but somehow there is a strange rule of nature which means they don’t all join at the same time - weird!

Anyway, it is a pleasure to be there and not do very much! :grin:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Sat 8th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


We’re returning to the ‘Answer the call’ challenge this week - the questions seem both thought provoking and fun! :thinking: (from the BBC Cymru Fyw website):

  • What is a memory that still makes you smile or laugh when you think of it? :grin:

  • What memory still makes you feel embarrassed? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

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Sat 15th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


  • What are your bad habits? :roll_eyes:

  • What is your favourite book, film and/ or podcast? :thinking:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Can I have the link please.

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