The Saturday at Noon (UK time), Zoom!

Diolch, Rich

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Sat 8th at Noon

…wow, we were international again last week - we’ve hit the big time now! :man_dancing: :smile:

This zoom is for anyone who wants to get going - or have more practice speaking - all welcome. :slight_smile:

Let me know and I’ll send the link! :sunny:

Question Ping Pong :ping_pong:

Think of a question you’d like to answer yourself. :wink:

When it’s your turn, choose someone who hasn’t had a go yet and ask them your question - they will answer …then ask it you back!

Then it’s their turn. :thinking:

Use it as a chance to practice your conversational jigsaw pieces, or, something completely different if you prefer :jigsaw: e.g.

  • Where do you live?
  • How long have you been learning Welsh?
  • Do you like X, Y o’r Z
  • but…absolutely anything

If we have time…

This Week/ Next Week

What’s happening with you/ in your world…

Kids Joke to finish…

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh or listen if you prefer (…thinking about it and finding one which works is surprisingly interesting! :wink:)

Everything is just for fun - listen if you like.

Richard :slight_smile:

Since I apparently lose all capacity to articulate when nervous…
In case anyone is interested, that book I mentioned today is Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue: The Untold History of English by John McWhorter, with a first chapter subtitled “The Welshness of English”. It was a quick but incredibly interesting read.

Diolch am y sgwrs, pawb! I promise, one of these days, I will no longer get so tongue-tied. :upside_down_face:

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To be perfectly honest, I have been thinking how well you’ve been doing - I have been very impressed with your Welsh!

Rich :slight_smile:

Ah, diolch yn fawr! I do tend to be my own worst critic. I suppose that keeps me forging ahead, though, always aiming to improve. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sat 15th at Noon

This zoom is for anyone who wants to get going - or have more practice speaking - all welcome. :slight_smile:

Let me know and I’ll send the link! :sunny:

Ranking - Best & Worst :weary: :trophy:

Tell us about a few good things and a few not so good things that have happened in the last couple of weeks before telling us which is the best and which is worst (in a light hearted context, of course) - or even first, second, third?

Kids Joke to finish…

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Everything is just for fun - listen if you like.

Richard :slight_smile:

Hi, do you do these Zoom chats every Saturday? If so, how can I join in please? Diolch!

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Yes, we do - every Saturday… and yes, of course - anyone can join. :slightly_smiling_face:

I will send you the zoom link as a Private Message on the forum. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


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Sat 22nd at Noon

This zoom is for anyone who wants to get going - or have more practice speaking - all welcome. :slight_smile:

Let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

Speed Meeting Questions! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

  • What car did you learn to drive on and what was your first car? Who taught you? Fond memories or not?! :crazy_face: (or riding a bike if you don’t drive - or anything else - choose something and tell us about it!)

  • Do you believe in alien life? Why or why not?

  • Tell us about the last school you went to! What was your favourite subject and what was the worst? Did you have a favourite teacher - what about the worst? Why? :thinking:

  • Best and worst holidays - what was good and bad?

  • Favourite drink - of any sort - how do you take it? What about a drink you don’t like?

What’s happening…?

…with you at the moment? (If we have time!)

Kids Joke to finish…

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Richard :slight_smile:

Sat 29th at Noon

This zoom is for anyone who wants to get going - or have more practice speaking - all welcome. :slight_smile:

Let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

Show n Tell :thinking:

  • Bring an object
  • Tell us about it - or what it represents to you
  • Maybe answer a question or two about it

What’s happening…?

…with you at the moment? (If we have time!)

Kids Joke to finish…

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Sat 5th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

Tell us about…

.,…one, or all of: :thinking:

  • …the luckiest thing that ever happened to you
  • …and maybe the most unlucky (lighthearted)
  • Your family, your relatives, where they are from
  • Your favourite song - or music - of the moment

It’s all for practice so you can make the whole thing up to suit your practice needs. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

…short or long answers, its a chance to say something in a super friendly environment…:man_dancing::dancer:

What’s happening…?

…with you at the moment? (If we have time!)

Kids Joke to finish…

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

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Hello Rich, Dw i’n hoffi chat gyda Saturday at Noon - please send a link. Diolch, Jenny

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Hi @jennifer-thomas-1

Gwych! Great! OK, I’ll send you the link as a private message…are you ok picking those up?

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 12th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

It’s seems like it might be a good week to practice saying how far we’ve got with our Welsh again?

My Welsh Journey

It’s a really useful to be able to talk about, whether you are talking to other learners or not :slightly_smiling_face: - so tell us about one or all of these (the more the merrier! )…:thinking:

  • ( I am…eg name :grin:)
  • I’ve been learning for…?
  • I have been doing the north or south course?
  • I am learning Welsh because…
  • (…the Welsh connection?)
  • How far have you got?
  • What are doing now with your Welsh right now?
  • (eg SSIW lesson, books, TV programmes, classes, other)

…and, as time permits…

With the Euros just getting going how about you…

Tell us about…

…a competition you were involved in at some point in your life that was notable / funny/ terrible in some way! :grin:

One sentence, ten, or, as many as you like - the floor is yours! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: As usual, it’s all for practice so you can make the whole thing up to suit your practice needs. :snowboarder:

…and, if there is any time left…

What’s happening…?

…with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish…

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Duplicate removed! :crazy_face:

Rich :slight_smile:

If not too late, would love to join you today.:crossed_fingers:
If it is, hopefully next time…
Diolch @rich

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Roedd yn wych i dy weld di!

Great to see you! We got the links sorted just in time!

Rich :grin:

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Roedd yn hyfryd ymuno gyda phawb - diolch yn fawr i ti am drefnu :slight_smile: - gobeithio y gallaf ymuno eto.
It was lovely to join everyone - a big thank you to you for organising - do hope I can join again.


…wrth gwrs - bydd y ddolen yn gweithio bob wythnos.

Yes of course :+1:

Rich :slight_smile:


Sat 17th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

OK so I should be in Caernarfon on Saturday for the week :+1: - so, first things first - anyone who in the area who fancies a paned or a pint (and a chat in Welsh) - let me know! :+1:

Secondly, the WiFi in the airbnb is allegedly very good :blush: so hopefully I’ll be broadcasting from the Caernarfon studio. :blush:

Intro (as appropriate)

…a little bit about your Welsh journey…

  • I’ve been learning for…?
  • I have been doing the north or south course?
  • I am learning Welsh because…
  • (…the Welsh connection?)
  • How far have you got?
  • What are doing now with your Welsh right now?
  • (eg SSIW lesson, books, TV programmes, classes, other)

Tell us about…

(Last week we didn’t get time for this, so…)

…a competition you were involved in at some point in your life that was notable / funny/ terrible in some way! :grin:

One sentence, ten, or, as many as you like - the floor is yours! :snowboarder: As usual, it’s all for practice so you can make the whole thing up to suit your practice needs. :snowboarder:

…and, if there is any time left…

What’s happening…?

…with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish…

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile: