The Saturday at Noon (UK time), Zoom!

Details still worked last week…

If we are talking about the same meeting (…3062), then they are indeed working, and for me they still do, but I don’t see anyone else. Do you get any sort of error message?

Diolch am y sgwrs Hendrik ac Harvey :slight_smile:
Hope all’s OK with you @rich - very sorry we missed you. (Took a while for us to get the link working today, but a good chat once we had). Catch up again next week? :crossed_fingers:

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Hi all,

Oh no!, that is a great shame - I joined and waited for 10 mins - and then moved on. Every now and then everyone is busy at 12 on a Saturday - which is not a problem - so I didn’t think much of it.

It is looking like I’m going to be travelling next Saturday - not definite yet but either way the meeting goes ahead.

I’m glad you managed to grab a conversation anyway.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

As predicted, I will be travelling tomorrow and so won’t be able to join - but the meeting still goes ahead of course with the same link.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope you have a good journey @rich - teithia’n ddiogel!

Diolch am y sgwrs Hendrik :slight_smile:

I am out an about in Yorkshire today so won’t be there - but the but the meeting will go ahead as usual.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 6th Dec

We never did this topic so why not reuse it?! :grin:

We can also discuss Storms - seeing as there are Red warnings for some parts of the UK today.

Let me know if you’d like to join and I’ll send you the link.


…Just for fun - and giving you a chance to think about it beforehand if you want:

Languages :

  • What languages have you learned…?
  • …to what level?
  • …which methods/ which were successful ?
  • …what language would you learn next?
  • …what is the future of language learning ?

If we have time

  • …what happenned last wek?
  • …what will happen next week or over the weekend
  • …read/ watched anything good recently?

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Very sorry to have missed you, hope a good chat - and that all keeping safe!
See you next week, hopefully :crossed_fingers:

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